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[Koha-devel] Document revision numbering system

From: Stephen Hedges
Subject: [Koha-devel] Document revision numbering system
Date: Sun Oct 31 17:27:16 2004
User-agent: DreamHost Webmail

Hi all -

As I am working on moving Koha docs to XML, I would like to start using a
uniform system of numbering document revisions.  I noticed while working
on converting the SGML version of Nick Rosasco's manual that he had
numbered the first version as "0.1."  So what should I now use for the new
XML revision?  "0.2" obviously, but what would then justify moving to
version 1.0?

A google search didn't produce any results that were really helpful.  I
did see that Gnome documentation is supposed to be numbered according to
the version of Gnome that is current.  In other words, if a document is
produced when Gnome version 1.x is the most current, then that document
version starts with "1" and so forth.  (For example, the first version of
a document produced when Gnome 2.x is the most current would be version
2.0, the next revision would be 2.1, etc., until Gnome version 3.0 is
released.)  I suppose we could do something similar for Koha.  That would
change Nick's version 0.1 to 1.0, and the XML version to 1.1, while
Brooke's Newbie Guide would be version 2.0 right from the start -- which
seems a little confusing to me.

Does anybody have any suggestions and/or strong feelings about a document
revision numbering system?

Stephen Hedges
Skemotah Solutions, USA
www.skemotah.com  --  address@hidden

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