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Re: [Libcdio-devel] Read Sub-channel changes

From: Thomas Schmitt
Subject: Re: [Libcdio-devel] Read Sub-channel changes
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2016 19:47:56 +0200


i wrote:
> > - A sense code parser which picks KEY, ASC, and ASCQ 

> The parser is not something that
> an application program or user would do just for the hell of it.

Well, it will be advertised as the improved replacement of
mmc_last_cmd_sense() and cdio_mmc_request_sense_t, unless you decide
for a union which represents both formats.

> > - A producer of human readable messages from ASC and ASCQ.
> >  - Is semi-automatically derived code from SCSI specs acceptable ?
> I believe it is acceptable.
> mmc_util.c

Ok. So i will derive a big array of structs from the specs list.
A function will then look up a (ASC, ASCQ) pair in this list and
return the associated text.

Currently i put its prototype into  include/cdio/mmc.h  because i lack
of better ideas.

      Convert a triple of key, asc, ascq into a human readable text, which
      describes the meaning of these codes.

      @param key, asc, ascq give the input triple of error codes from
             sense data of an SCSI command.

      @return NULL if not enough memory is available. If not NULL it is a
              pointer to allocated human readable text which has to be freed
              when it is no longer needed.
  char *mmc_sense_code_to_text(unsigned char key, unsigned char asc,
                               unsigned char ascq);

(But shouldn't it be implemented in mmc.c then ?)

> if you haven't signed the FSF copyright
> assignment form, please do so.

I plan to claim no own copyright for this. The most noteworthy part
of the function is its array of messages, anyways.


How about this message format ?

  [KEY ASC ASCQ] : Text from KEY, Text from ASC and ASCQ

Examples from my test code:

  [2 04 01] : Not Ready, Logical unit is in process of becoming ready

  [3 11 00] : Medium Error, Unrecovered read error

  [3 FF 00] : Medium Error, (Unknown SCSI ASC error code)

  [4 09 01] : Hardware Error, Tracking servo failure

  [5 30 00] : Illegal Request, Incompatible medium installed

  [B 00 00] : Aborted Command, (No additional sense information)

  [F 73 03] : Unknown key 15, Power calibration area error

I find it quite annoying that the Linux kernel does not tell the three
code numbers but only texts which not always match the official ones.
So i propose to do it better by showing the hex codes first.

If a matching ASC code is found in the list, but no matching ASCQ,
then the new function  mmc_sense_code_to_text()  returns the text
of the lowest ASCQ of the matching ASC. This is normally ASCQ 0.
Especially the manufacturer LG is known to invent own ASCQ values.


My prototype for the new retriever of KEY, ASC, ASCQ is this in
 include/cdio/mmc.h :

      Obtain the sense code triple (key, asc, ascq) of the sense reply of the
      most-recently-performed MMC command.
      This serves for sense data in Fixed Format (0x70 or 0x71) and in
      Descriptor Format (0x72, 0x73).

      @param key, asc, ascq return the triple of error codes from the
             sense data.

      @return 1 = the returned triple is valid
              0 = no sense data available or not in a recognizable format
  int mmc_last_cmd_key_asc_ascq( const CdIo_t *p_cdio, unsigned char *key,
                                 unsigned char *asc, unsigned char *ascq);

I propose to prepend this note to the description of  mmc_last_cmd_sense():

      Note: The layout of cdio_mmc_request_sense_t is valid only if the
            value of  cdio_mmc_request_sense_t.error_code  is 0x70 or 0x71.
            These values and the values 0x72 or 0x73 can be handled by
            function mmc_last_cmd_key_asc_ascq().


Next tasks will be to create the evaluator and to apply it to the
MCN retrieval as a first usage example.

Have a nice day :)


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