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Re: [libmicrohttpd] SSL support?

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] SSL support?
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 21:34:46 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9

First of all, SSL/TLS support can be more or less complete (with respect to 
the standards).  I believe that Amir is currently in the process of removing 
some features that depend on GPL'ed code (mostly related to OpenPGP certs).  
So, when I say that we will support SSL/TLS, this may mean only a significant 
subset and not every feature in all of the specs...

The goal is that the APIs will hardly change -- a few extra options when 
starting the daemon to specify that SSL is desired and where the CERTs can be 
found should be mostly it. Internally, a few things are changing, mostly 
wrappers around the existing IO to go through the SSL/TLS module.

As far as availability goes, well, AFAIK there are the changes removing GPLed 
code, some more testing and then primarily documentation that are still big 
on my list.  

I suspect (but Amir is the authority here since he is coding...) that we could 
put out a test-release (with little to no docs on SSL) in a few weeks.  At 
that point, testing the code and reporting back successes and failures would 
be useful (and could hurry us to put out a "stable" release sooner).  Trying 
my highly imprecise crystal ball, I'd expect a first 0.4.x release with 
SSL/TLS support in September 2008 (again, Amir may have a better idea). In 
the worst case, I'd still expect to have a solid stable release by the end of 
the year.

My 2 cents...


Am Dienstag, 12. August 2008 20:39:28 schrieb Kim Barrett:
> There were a couple of messages about a month ago on this list
> indicating that SSL/TLS support is under active development, and
> perusing svn I see activity in this area. Is there any estimate for
> when this support might be complete? I'm in the process of evaluating
> several possible support libraries for http servers (for my employer)
> and microhttpd is my present preferred choice, except for the lack of
> SSL support. We don't need SSL absolutely immediately, so would
> consider using microhttpd if we have some reasonable confidence that
> SSL support will exist in the not too distant future. So how is that
> work going? Is it a (relatively) straight-forward addition, or is it
> requiring significant architectural changes to microhttpd?  Are any
> API changes required, and if so, how extensive? And is there anything
> we can do to help ensure that SSL will be supported reasonably soon?
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