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R: [libmicrohttpd] Compiling SVN trunk on Windows

From: address@hidden
Subject: R: [libmicrohttpd] Compiling SVN trunk on Windows
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:45:13 +0200 (CEST)

> I've been trying to compile a static library for the SVN trunk of 

> microhttpd on Windows Vista using cygwin.


Last August, I compiled and built MHD on WindowsXP using Cigwin.

All went fine in 10 minutes.

No PlibC issues, and I don't think you should worry about it if you use GCC.

I installed the latest Cygwin release and downloaded the following optional packages:

1) GCC

2) make

3) automake

After that, I ran:

1)  ./configure

2)  ./make

3)  ./make install



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