Hi Pierre,
Can you retry with the current git master?
Visual Studio compilation should be fixed now.
Best Wishes,
Evgeny Grin
Hi Pierre,
The Visual Studio project files are not yet updated.
They will be fixed before the next release.
At the moment you can use the latest release (0.9.73).
On 20.07.2021 11:59, Pierre Y. wrote: Hello,
I'm trying to build libmicrohttpd on Windows using Visual Studio 2017
After cloning the repository, I run :
@REM Find the installed version of Windows SDK and define variable WTPV10
for /F "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%A in ('reg query
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0" /reg:32 /v
ProductVersion') do set "WTPV10=%%B"
echo Found Windows SDK version %WTPV10%
@REM Force version 10.0.17763.0
@REM set WTPV10=10.0.17763.0
Current version on my machine is 10.0.18362
@REM WindowsTargetPlatformVersion need a 4 digit version whilst registry
key value has only the first 3.
set WTPV10="WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=%WTPV10%.0"
cd w32\VS2017
msbuild /m /v:n /p:Configuration="Release-static" /p:Platform=Win32
/p:%WTPV10% libmicrohttpd.sln
I get these errors :
ÉCHEC de la build.
"N:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\w32\VS2017\libmicrohttpd.sln" (cible par défaut) (1) ->
"N:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\w32\VS2017\hellobrowser.vcxproj.metaproj" (cible par défaut) (2) ->
"N:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\w32\VS2017\libmicrohttpd.vcxproj" (cible par défaut) (5) ->
(ClCompile cible) ->
n:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\src\microhttpd\mhd_align.h(72): *warning *C4005: '_MHD_UINT32_ALIGN' : redéfinition
de macro
n:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\src\microhttpd\mhd_align.h(72): *warning *C4005: '_MHD_UINT32_ALIGN' : redéfinition
de macro
"N:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\w32\VS2017\libmicrohttpd.sln" (cible par défaut) (1) ->
"N:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\w32\VS2017\hellobrowser.vcxproj.metaproj" (cible par défaut) (2) ->
"N:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\w32\VS2017\libmicrohttpd.vcxproj" (cible par défaut) (5) ->
(ClCompile cible) ->
n:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\src\microhttpd\mhd_bithelpers.h(140): *error *C2065: '_MHD_UINT64_ALIGN' : identific
ateur non déclaré
n:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\src\microhttpd\mhd_bithelpers.h(225): *error *C2065: '_MHD_UINT64_ALIGN' : identific
ateur non déclaré
n:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\src\microhttpd\mhd_bithelpers.h(140): *error *C2065: '_MHD_UINT64_ALIGN' : identific
ateur non déclaré
n:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\src\microhttpd\mhd_bithelpers.h(225): *error *C2065: '_MHD_UINT64_ALIGN' : identific
ateur non déclaré
n:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\src\microhttpd\mhd_str.h(168): *error *C2143: erreur de syntaxe : absence de ')' ava
nt '*'
n:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\src\microhttpd\mhd_str.h(168): *error *C2081: 'ssize_t' : nom non conforme dans la l
iste de paramètres formels
n:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\src\microhttpd\mhd_str.h(168): *error *C2143: erreur de syntaxe : absence de '{' ava
nt '*'
n:\neptis\externals\build_2021-7-20\libmicrohttpd\src\microhttpd\mhd_str.h(168): *error *C2059: erreur de syntaxe : ')' [N:\neptis\ext
2 Avertissement(s)
8 Erreur(s)
Hope this help, regards,