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Re: [Libqtlua-list] Compiling QtLua on Windows

From: Gustavo de Sá Carvalho Honorato
Subject: Re: [Libqtlua-list] Compiling QtLua on Windows
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2011 13:29:42 -0300

Hi Hildebrando,

I'm having the same problem.

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Hildebrando Trannin <address@hidden> wrote:

I tried to compile QtLua on Windows, but I had a few problems.

1. I tried to compile QtLua 1.2.1 with MSYS + MinGW. But it didn't find the Lua and Qt instalations. I set CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS but none of these worked. How can I change the include and lib directories?

2. So I tried to compile using CMAKE. It finds Qt and Lua instalations and generates the makefile correctly, but when I execute it I receive an error that it can't find QString class. I think that it can't find the Qt include directory again.


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