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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Community project to free programming language

From: Ali Abdul Ghani
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Community project to free programming language packager
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 01:57:51 -0700

in fact we hav two possible solutions to stay FSDG-compliant are:

1. Remove those package managers. It comes at a great convenience
loss, and will make installing some software much harder (as you
usually install the dependencies
through the package manager).

2. Create a separate repository. In this case, I hope you have the
manpower to mirror all the free packages and remove only the non-free
ones, else you'll
land in a situation similar to 1. You'll also need a pretty Web
interface in order to attract users.

2015-07-20 21:45 جرينتش-07:00, aurelien <>:
> Hello hackers,
> Most of us that run servers, programming or as simple users, use
> programming language package manager like pip, go, rubygems and much
> more.
> Most of them contain free software, but some are non-free.
> We need free version of them to improve the quality of works from the
> user to the programmers by invoking free version.
> It is right that each project request people, knowledge, time and money.
> But we also need fluend tools to works fluently.
> --

Think not of them, thou hast thy music too

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