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Re: (renamed) Misc mailing list

From: andrew
Subject: Re: (renamed) Misc mailing list
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2022 03:01:14 +0200

On 22/04/15 12:30AM, Jean Louis wrote:
> * andrew via libreplanet-discuss <> 
> [2022-04-14 18:30]:
> > The reason I posted this here are:
> > 
> > (1) During the lockdown, we are obligated to use the following nonfree
> >     software:
> How are you obligated? Which law, rule or policy is asking you that?

By policy.

> Please provide references if there are any WWW references, so that we
> may complain to those organizations.

That's require me to use the nonfree part of the Web, I'm currently not
on my dirty system, I'll give them later

> >     1. Tencent Meetings for school;
> >     2. 随申办 for getting a QR code as a token for mandated COVID tests;
> >        Simply swiping a second-generation citizen ID cart is
> >        "deprecated" for some reason;
> I wish I could understand, but QR code is not a software. Is there
> software that is obligated to be installed?

They require 随申办 for generating the said QR code, a nonfree phone

> >     3. Nonfree online shopping platforms, mainly used by my family,
> >        because that's the only way people get food.
> Who is obligating you to use it? If it is "online" does that mean it
> is website with non-free Javascript?

It's a cellular phone app; we're not obligated to use it, but in
practice not using it = starve.

> >     1. I see social issues like this an important extension of the ideas
> >        of the movement---our goal is not free software, it's a free
> >        society, while free software is indeed one of the first steps
> >        (paraphrasing RMS);
> Free society is not same as Libreplanet. I don't think it is good to
> discuss what "free" means for this or that party, as we are global, we
> are people from various places. What may mean "free society" for one
> person may be occupation for other.


> >     2. Sorry, I'm just a bit raged at the policy, and thinking it's
> >        freedom related I kinda need somewhere for it to go (not a good
> >        reason, bruh);
> Libreplanet is not generally freedom related, it is about free
> software and freedom in computing. If we discuss topics that are
> generally freedom related we deviate into a lot of politics and the
> tendency may disperse people on this mailing list who are otherwise
> interested in free software, and not general freedom topics.
> We better keep it on topic related to free software.

> >     3. The lockdowns here depict authoritarianism and DISRESPECT for
> >        individuality,
> Sure.
> > it's kind-of like how people are forced to use Zoom and WhatsApp and
> > GitHub because everyone is on it (also why federated and distributed
> > things like GNUnet are cool).
> There is no direct connection between lockdowns and proprietary
> software.
> If you think you are forced, then complain to those who force you, and
> please if possible provide references that I give you suggestion how
> to complain.

Complained multiple times, gov doesn't reply, teachers call me ..
basically a freetard, lol

> For example if organization is forcing you to use Zoom, then I would
> like to ask organization if they would, due to force, also provide
> all the hardware for the software. I would give them reasons why it is
> not good, such as privacy abuses, backdoors, proprietary software, etc.

(My email in Oct 2021 explains this a bit)

> > Either way, I do believe a -misc list makes sense.
> And I don't, as FSF has free software as purpose, and not general
> politics as purpose. 
> You are free to make your own mailing list. But using people on
> Libreplanet mailing list for whatever other politics is somehow not
> quite fair. 
> I don't mind if FSF makes such decisions, I am stating my opinion. FSF
> is non-profit and has specific purposes that must fit into the law,
> into the IRS tax-free status and social benefits.
> Every person is free to pay few dollars and make a mailing list that
> is not related to free software.


> > Free Software is our first step to a free society,
> I don't know what you mean with "free society". Can you define it?
Well, RMS said that; as I understand it means individuality and not
having freaking authoritarianism.


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