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Re: [Lightning] Trouble to build lightning-2.0.1 on armv7hl

From: Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
Subject: Re: [Lightning] Trouble to build lightning-2.0.1 on armv7hl
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 13:27:03 -0300

2013/9/27 Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
> 2013/9/27 Jochen Schmitt <address@hidden>:
>> Hello,
>> I have tried to build lightning-2.0.1 for rawhide an has bog a build failure
>> for the armv7hl plattform from the build server.
>> I have uploaded the build log to
>> It may be nice, if anyone have a hint to solve the
>> reported issues.
>   I see what the problem is. Add binutils-devel to build requires
> to correct the problem for now.
>   I will make a proper commit and tests disabling disassembler
> on arm.

  Corrected on this commit:

>> Best Regards:
>> Jochen Schmitt

Sorry for letting this inconsistency live for so long, I have tested
only on environments with binutils available.
The "data_info" is actually only required if generating jit
for armv4 or armv5, as armv6 or newer have better instructions
to "compose" integer constants.
The "data_info" is only used to not attempt to disassemble
constants added to the code, at +- 4096 bytes from the pc
(and branches as appropriate to not attempt to execute it).


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