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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3572 in lilypond: convert-ly should produce se

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3572 in lilypond: convert-ly should produce several backup files for each invokation
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 13:50:20 +0000

Comment #12 on issue 3572 by address@hidden: convert-ly should produce several backup files for each invokation

So we create a backup that anyone of Ubuntu with a graphical file browser won't see. Is that sensible?

It's working as designed. ~ extensions in Unix are purposely used for backup files, and the file browsers purposefully ignore them by default, fully aware that this means rather exclusively backup files.

It's one of those "features" I find bloody annoying with file browser defaults, but it is not LilyPond's job to try evading this brain damage on its own and cause behavior different from other applications.

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