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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3115 in lilypond: Add convert-ly rule for beam

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3115 in lilypond: Add convert-ly rule for beam-gap
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 22:58:03 +0000

Comment #8 on issue 3115 by tdanielsmusic: Add convert-ly rule for beam-gap

I'm not so sure reverting is the best course.  The code
fixes the very specific bug of tremolo beams between whole
notes when the second note carries one or two accidentals
by making the beams asymmetric, hence the need for a pair
of numbers rather than one.  If the callback is overridden
with a specific pair of numbers it becomes the user's
responsibility to ensure the beams don't collide with any
accidentals present.  That seems reasonable enough.  I'm not
sure about the hard-wired values, but the jump in the second
beam-gap seems to be required to make a gap when an
accidental is present (?)  Perhaps 'gap could be pressed
back into service to replace the hard-wired 0.8, with 0.8
as its default value?  Then the existing examples would work
correctly again (I think).


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