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Re: Indentation in Emacs

From: Rune Zedeler
Subject: Re: Indentation in Emacs
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 01:25:11 +0100

Chris Jackson wrote:

> I'm trying to adapt some emacs lisp to do indentation for lilypond

Great! I have been hoping for this for ages, haven't taken the time to
do it myself.

>     {
>        [something]
>         }

Please align matching brackets when they are alone on a line.


> even though, a ( b c d ) e f g already indicates a phrasemark in plain
> lily.  Then there's beaming marks [] as well, these might be treated

Yes. Remember that "[ ( ] )" is legal in lily. Don't know whether it is
possible to explain that to emacs.

> Any other ideas? I suppose many people have developed their own lilypond
> formatting styles anyway in the absence of auto-indent.

Don't treat "->" as end-bracket (scheme and accent compatibility).

Hardcore syntax colouring would include i.e. colouring failed barchecks
red (depending on the last time statement in the file), higlighting
simultainous notes as in 
< { c4 d8 e } {f8 g a b } >
when cursor on the d, the a gets highlighted.

Allign command indenting naighbouring lines so that music falling on the
same beat is vertically alligned (to use with one-measure-per-line
i.e. calling "allign" on
  c4 d8-"foo" e |
  f8 g a b |
  c4   d8-"foo" e |
  f8 g a        b |

Just my quick ideas. Knowing that I was not covering only indentation.


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