\version "1.7.24" #(set! point-and-click line-location) \header { composer = "Claudin de Sermisy" crossRefNumber = "1" footnotes = "\\\\Original clef, C on third line" origin = "Edited by Courtney S. Adams, A-R Editions, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin" tagline = "Lily was here 1.5.71.lec2 -- automatically converted from ABC" title = "[30] Changeons propos, c'est trop chanté d'amours (transposed)\\\\Tenor" } wordsdefaultVA = \lyrics { Chan- geons pro- pos, c'est trop chan- té _ _ _ _ d'a- _ mours; Ce sont cla- mours, chan- tons de la ser- _ pet- _ te. Tous vi- gne- rons ont a _ _ el- le _ _ re- _ cours, C'est le se- cours pour tail- ler la vi- _ gnet- _ te, O ser- pil- let- te, O la ser- pil- lon net- _ _ te, La vi- gnol- let- te est par toy mi- _ se- _ sus Dont les bons vins _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tous _ _ les _ ans _ sont ys- _ _ _ _ _ sus, Dont les bons vins, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tous _ _ les _ ans _ sont ys- sus. } wordsdefaultVE = \lyrics { Let's change our tune, E- nough sad songs _ _ _ _ _ of love; all moans and howls; Let's sing of grow- _ _ _ ing grapes. Those who grow grapes use _ a keen, in- ci- _ sive _ _ tool: The prun- ing shears that shape the vine, _ _ _ _ _ Prun- ing the vine well, gives us good wine, _ _ _ _ _ >From one year to the next, we get good wine, we get~good wine. O prune the vine, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so we get good _ wine _ e- _ _ _ _ _ very year, O prune the vine, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so we get good _ wine _ e- very year. } voicedefault = \notes { \property Staff.autoBeaming = ##f \property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'( instrument-name left-edge ambitus span-bar breathing-sign staff-bar clef key-signature time_signature custos ) \forgetAccidentals \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'baroque \property Staff.Custos \override #'style = #'mensural \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'extra-offset = #'( -3 . 0 ) \property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'visibility-lambda = #begin-of-line-invisible \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##f \property Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe" \property Score.defaultBarType="empty" \transpose c' g { % %gchordfont Helvetica 12 box % %MIDI nobarlines % %MIDI ratio 2 1 \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C \time 2/2 \key g \dorian r1 r2 g'2 g'2 g'2 f'1. g'2 a'2. g'4 f'2 e'2 f'2 g'2 d'2 g'1 fis'2 g'1 r1 r\breve r2 g'2 d''2 d''2 bes'1 r2 c''2 bes'2 g'2 a'2 bes'2. a'4 g'1 fis'!2 g'1 ^"\fbox{\large A}" r2 g'2 g'2 g'2 f'1. g'2 a'2. g'4 f'2 e'2 f'2 g'2 d'2 g'1 fis'!2 g'1 r1 r\breve r2 g'2 d''2 d''2 bes'1 r2 c''2 bes'2 g'2 a'2 bes'2. a'4 g'1 fis'!2 g'1 ^"\fbox{\large B}" r2 d''2 d''2 d''2 bes'1 g'1 r2 d''2 d''2 d''2 bes'1 a'2 bes'2. a'4 g'2 f'\breve r2 f'2 g'2. a'4 bes'1 a'2 a'2 bes'2 c''2 d''2 c''1 bes'1 a'2 bes'1 ^"\fbox{\large C}" r1 r2 bes'2 a'2 g'2 f'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 g'4 f'4 e'4 d'4 e'1 f'2. g'4 a'2 bes'2. a'4 a'2. g'4 g'1 f'2 ees'4 d'4 g'2. e'!4 fis'!2 g'1 r1 r2 bes'2 a'2 g'2 f'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 g'4 f'4 e'4 d'4 e'1 f'2. g'4 a'2 bes'2. a'4 a'2. g'4 g'1 fis'!2 g'\breve \bar "|." } }\score{ \notes < \addlyrics \context Staff="default" { \voicedefault } \context Lyrics="default" < { \wordsdefaultVA } { \wordsdefaultVE } > > \paper { \translator{ \StaffContext \consists Custos_engraver }\translator{ \ScoreContext SpacingSpanner \override #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) } \translator { \VoiceContext \consists Ambitus_engraver } } \midi {\tempo 1 = 80} }