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Re: Figured Bass support

From: Nicolas Sceaux
Subject: Re: Figured Bass support
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 22:04:14 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

Tue, 2 Sep 2003 22:22:36 +0200, Han-Wen a dit : 

 > For the moment, you could use markup texts. For example:

 >      \header
 >      {
 >      texidoc = "An alternate method to make bass figures is to use
 >      markup texts."
 >      }
 >      \version "1.9.4"

 >      nat = \markup { \musicglyph #"accidentals-0" }
 >      sh = \markup { \smaller \raise #0.6 \musicglyph #"accidentals-1" }
 >      fl = \markup { \musicglyph #"accidentals--1" }

 >      \score {
 >            \context Voice \notes {
 >                \clef bass
 >                \property Voice.TextScript \set #'font-family = #'number
 >                \property Voice.TextScript \set #'font-relative-size = #-3
 >                \property Voice.TextScript \set #'baseline-skip = #1.4

 >                dis4_\markup { 6 }

 >                c_\markup  { 7 }
 >                d_\markup { \column < { 6 \sh } \bracket { \nat } >}
 >                ais_\markup { \column < 6  5 \bracket { 3 \sh } >}
 >                }
 >      }      

Here is the same example using few scheme utilities:

#(use-modules (ice-9 optargs)
              (lilypond markups)) ; [1] See below

#(defmacro* fig (#:rest figs)
  "Figured bass as markups. Each of `figs' arguments may be
a number, a variable referencing a markup, a list of
numbers or markups (for lining text), or a (keyworded) markup
  `(markup (#:column ,@(map gen-figures figs))))

#(define (gen-figures figure)
  (cond ((and (pair? figure) (keyword? (car figure)))
         `(,(car figure) ,@(map gen-figures (cdr figure))))
        ((and (pair? figure) (not (null? (cdr figure))))
         `(#:line ,@(map gen-figures figure)))
        ((pair? figure)
         (gen-figures (car figure)))
        ((number? figure)
         `(#:string ,(number->string figure)))

nat = \markup { \musicglyph #"accidentals-0" }
sh = \markup { \smaller \raise #0.6 \musicglyph #"accidentals-1" }
fl = \markup { \musicglyph #"accidentals--1" }

\score {
    \context Voice \notes {
        \clef bass
        \property Voice.TextScript \set #'font-family = #'number
        \property Voice.TextScript \set #'font-relative-size = #-3
        \property Voice.TextScript \set #'baseline-skip = #1.4
        dis4_#(fig 6)
        c_#(fig 7)
        d_#(fig (6 sh) (#:bracket nat))
        ais_#(fig 6 5 (#:bracket 3 sh))


[1] the module named (lilypond markups) can be found here:

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