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Some questions concerning conversions

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Some questions concerning conversions
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 12:15:35 +0100

address@hidden writes:
> Hi,
> For Mutopia I am converting a lot a files to lily 2.4.2 and I ran into some
> things that are not translated automatically by convert-ly. So now I have to
> convert them by hand, but I would like to extend convert-ly if there are no
> objections.
> There they come:
> In 2.4.2
>     \property Staff.transposing = -12
> is not accepted, nor translated what should it be and when has it been
> changed?
change to #-12, and run 2.1.21 -> 2.1.28 again.

> In very old  lilypond music sources (1.2) I see names like "midi_stuff".
> When they are translated the places where they are defined are changed, but
> the places where they are referenced are not replaced (by the 1.3.117
> conversion), so:
>     midi_stuff = { \tempo = 60}
>     \midi_stuff
> is translated into
>     midiStuff = { \tempo = 60}
>     \midi_stuff
> What is the reason the reference is not translated?

the _ has been removed from identifier names. Unfortunately, this
can't be automated reliably because


is also c_"foo" ("foo" below a C)

> In the header maintainer_email is not translated into maintainerEmail.
> The same goes for maintainer_web.
> When has this been changed?  Or are these definitions 'Mutopia private'
> definitions and thus not translated? Or are they introduced after 1.3.117
> and thus not translated?

See above. I've added these as a separate rule (2.3.24) to convert-ly
in CVS HEAD to deal with these private definitions.

> Very old versions of lily-files contain a ";" (semicolon) after each line in
> the header block. They are not removed. As of when are they removed and is
> there a reason why they are not?

1.3.146 - ";" is also the comment character for Scheme, so we can't
reliably remove all of them.

> The tagline of the mutopia header contains some LaTeX code regarding
> textplacement. Twice in such a line the string [c] is translated into c[].

Unfortunate, but unavoidable.

> The very old versions of music contain
>         gourlay_maxmeasures =8.;
> in the \paper block.
> I don't know what they should be translated into, and when they have
> changed. In 2.2 lily chokes on it. As of which lilypond can they be removed?

Can't remember, but it's ancient. Probably 1.3.something.

> Also old versions contain:
>         \translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
> they are nicely translated but the question is here whether it can't be
> removed. At least in 2.2. BarNumbers are added automatically and thus this
> definition is now superfluous; 



 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden   | 

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