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Re: For future 2.14 doc discussion -- increasingly realistic musical exa

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: For future 2.14 doc discussion -- increasingly realistic musical examples
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 19:00:42 -0700
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20070607)

Trevor Bača wrote:
The second example was infinitely easier: we just needed something to
show a text script complicated enough to require a markup (which is
almost everything). The indication, is, of course, Debussy's famous
marking at the beginning of Des pas sur la neige.
Let's ignore the \fatText issue for now. If I understand you correctly, the proposal is to replace the current "first example" of text scripts:

   c'4^\markup { bla \bold bla }

with something like this?

   \key f \major
   \override Staff TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered
      { \times 2/3{d16[ e8 ~ } e] ~ e4 } \\
      { d2--_\markup{ \italics { \column
           \line{ Ce rhythme doit avoid la valuer sonore} }
           \line {d'un fond de paysage triste et glac\'e } }}

?   (that probably won't compile)

In your pngs, you showed the input for the "before" pictures, but not for the "after" pictures. But I really think the manual should print the input, and as you can see, creating beautiful musical examples increases the complexity _enormously_. An experienced lilypond user can glance at the above code and pick out the normal rhythm/note/tie/polyphony notation, and pay attention to the new \markup command... but no newbie is going to spend enough time deciphering this input.

I think I've misunderstood something. Is this just supposed to whet people's appetites, to inspire them to read the rest of the subsections?

... hmm, I might see a use for that. We could have one really fancy example, *without* input code, in the "root" node of each section.

- Graham

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