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Re: [PATCH] Make some local functions public (was: Re: lily-library.scm

From: Mark Polesky
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Make some local functions public (was: Re: lily-library.scm question)
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 12:07:42 -0700 (PDT)

I also took a look at the next procedure, split-list-by-separator.
My revised version is below. Unless I hear otherwise, I'll send a
patch soon.
- Mark

;; current version
(define-public (split-list-by-separator lst sep?)
   "(display (split-list-by-separator '(a b c / d e f / g) (lambda (x) (equal? 
x '/))))
   ((a b c) (d e f) (g))
   ;; " Emacs is broken
   (define (split-one sep?  lst acc)
     "Split off the first parts before separator and return both parts."
     (if (null? lst)
     (cons acc '())
     (if (sep? (car lst))
         (cons acc (cdr lst))
         (split-one sep? (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) acc)))))
   (if (null? lst)
       (let* ((c (split-one sep? lst '())))
     (cons (reverse! (car c) '()) (split-list-by-separator (cdr c) sep?)))))

;; my version

; for [take, drop, list-index,] take-while and find-tail
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))

(define-public (split-list-by-separator-NEW lst pred)
  "Split LST at each element that satisfies PRED, and return the parts
   (with the separators removed) as a list of lists.
   (split-list-by-separator '(a 0 b c 1 d) number?) ==> ((a) (b c) (d))"
  (let loop ((result '()) (lst lst))
    (if (and lst (not (null? lst)))
          (append result
                  (list (take-while (lambda (x) (not (pred x))) lst)))
          (let ((tail (find-tail pred lst)))
            (if tail (cdr tail) #f)))

;; compare return values
 (apply eq? #t
   (map (lambda (x)
          (equal? (split-list-by-separator    x number?)
                  (split-list-by-separator-NEW x number?)))
        '(() (0) (0 a) (0 a 1) (0 a 1 b) (0 1 a b) (0 a b 2 3)
             (a) (a 0) (a 0 b) (a 0 b 1) (a b 0 1) (a 0 1 b c)))))


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