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Re: Converting ly to musicxml

From: Reinhold Kainhofer
Subject: Re: Converting ly to musicxml
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 11:29:59 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.6 (Linux/2.6.38-10-generic; KDE/4.6.4; i686; ; )

Am Sonntag 10 Juli 2011, 11:14:36 schrieb address@hidden:
> On Jul 10, 2011, at 10:56 AM, cab wrote:
> > Converting from midi to ly is possible, but ly to musicxml has never
> > been done... So my plan is to program it myself
> > I think I would do it in python as musicxml2ly is also written in python.
> This is something I proposed to the French users list earlier this year and
> it got a lukewarm response from the community (save several
> well-thought-out responses from Scheme and/or musicxml and/or
> accessibility enthusiasts).  I have started some sketches for this type of
> code, and it is certainly possible, especially if you do not include
> position information.  Contact me if you'd like to talk more about this
> and I'll dig up the sketches I've already done in Scheme.

I have been thinking about ly -> MusicXML conversion, too. I don't think using 
an external python application is really possible, because LilyPond allows for 
so many different input variations. You'd basically have to diplicate most/all 
of the iterator and engraver logic in scheme....

I have rather been thinking about adding MusicXML export like the MIDI export: 
Create some translator (e.g. a base class Exporter or Xporter to indicate XML, 
like Performer or Engraver) and subclasses to listen to all the different music 
events/grobs. That would probably be the most native and probably also easiest 
implementation of MusicXML export.

For example, MIDI creation is relatively simple code-wise (just look at the 
* and the audio*.cc and midi*.cc files).


Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: address@hidden,
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * Edition Kainhofer Music Publishing,
 * LilyPond music typesetting software,

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