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Re: Auto_change_iterator no longer creates staff contexts itself. They a

From: dak
Subject: Re: Auto_change_iterator no longer creates staff contexts itself. They are created in scheme. (issue 249970043 by address@hidden)
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2015 12:49:00 +0000

On 2015/06/28 12:30:21, Dan Eble wrote:
On 2015/06/28 11:17:58, thomasmorley651 wrote:
> Let me clearify, I don't insist in keeping those properties, though
I'd like
> keep the possibility to simply write \autochange { ... } _and_ to
have the
> possibility to set the clefs in both staves.

What do you think about putting that enhancement into a ticket of its
own?  My
only motivation to touch \autochange is to remove what I see as
duplication in the innards of \partcombine and \autochange.

> The NR shows an example for \autochange { ... } and I think the
> treble/bassStaffProperties were meant to set the clefs.

Maybe, but the split point is hard-coded to middle C, isn't it?  So
that makes
it a little weird with other clefs.  (Of course that could be fixed as

Well, the fully general version would likely be something like
\changeOn e' { \context Voice = "high" \with { \clef treble } {} \change
Voice = "high" }
          bes { \context Voice = "low" \with { \clef bass } {} \change
Voice = "low" }
             { }

Namely change up when hitting more than e' and down when going below
bes.  Something like that.

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