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Changes to GitLab CI, again

From: Jonas Hahnfeld
Subject: Changes to GitLab CI, again
Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 19:07:16 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.40.1

Hi all,

apparently there's been abuse of free CI minutes on to mine
cryptocurrencies. The operators had to do something about it, see

In short, new users registered today or in the future have to add
credit card information in order to validate the account *if* they want
to use's shared runners. Everything else (opening issues,
commenting, pushing code, etc.) remains as-is, and account validation
will not charge the credit card.
My understanding is that new contributors can continue to open MRs, but
their pipelines won't run and it won't be possible to merge. In that
case, I *think* it will be possible to start the pipeline as a member
of the group which will use our runners or
be accounted on the group's quota. We'll find out once that happens...

To reiterate, there should be (as of now) no change for existing groups
or users. Nevertheless I'll finally try to get LilyPond accepted into
GitLab's Open Source Program, as I already wrote in September...


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