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Chord tremolos

From: Chris Jackson
Subject: Chord tremolos
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 21:59:19 +0100

In the following example, why do the unfolded repeats fit into the first two
bars, but I get "barcheck failed" errors for the third and fourth bars with
tremolo repeats?  (18+6)*2 / 32 = 12/8 ?

\version "1.7.30"

 \context Voice \notes \relative c {
     \time 12/8
     \repeat "unfold" 18 { c'32 f32 } \repeat "unfold" 6 { b32 e32 } |
     \repeat "unfold" 18 { c,32 f32 } \repeat "unfold" 6 { b32 e32 } |
     \repeat "tremolo" 18 { c,32 f32 } \repeat "tremolo" 6 { b32 e32 } |
     \repeat "tremolo" 18 { c,32 f32 } \repeat "tremolo" 6 { b32 e32 } |


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