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Braces in lyrics for refrains, multiple words, etc.

From: Rob V
Subject: Braces in lyrics for refrains, multiple words, etc.
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 16:01:41 -0500

I've noticed a lot of questions lately about multiple words in the 
lyrics. I played around with it this afternoon, because I could 
use a solution myself. How about this idea below? I put together 
Thingkcp's idea about the bigbrace markup using \lyricsto, which 
also gets rid of the extra space in the unused lyric lines. Take a 
look at this example. I've included a ps file, too.  I'm not exactly sure what 
would be the best way to handle the stanza numbers.  I'm really looking forward 
to when the lilypond developers redo the lyrics part.

\version "2.4.0" 
\header { 

title = "Column of Lyrics" 

#(set-global-staff-size 19) 

bigBrace = \markup { \fontsize #8 \translate #(cons -4 0) "$\lower 50pt 
\hbox{\{}$" } 

upperOne = \relative c' { 
\clef treble 

c4 d e f g a b c \break 
c,4 d e f g a b c 

upperTwo = 

\relative a'{ 
\skip 1 

firstverse = \lyricmode { 
ah ah ah ah "1. ah" ah ah ah 
ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah 

secondverse = \lyricmode { 
"2. lu" 

thirdverse = \lyricmode { 
so so so so so so so so 
so so so so so so so so 

\context Score<< 
\context Staff = "upper" 

\context Voice = "one" \upperOne 
\context Voice = "two" \upperTwo 


\lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics { 
\set minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0.7 . 0.0) 
\set vocalName = "1." 
\set vocNam = "1." 

\lyricsto "two" \new Lyrics { 
\set minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0.7 . 0.0) 
\set vocalName = "2." 
\set vocNam = "2." 

\lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics { 
\set minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0.7 . 0.0) 
\set vocalName = "3." 
\set vocNam = "3." 



\layout { 
linewidth = 4.5\in 
\override VocalName #'break-align-symbol = #'time-signature 


\paper { 
linewidth = 4.5\in 
indent = 0 
pagenumber = "no" 
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