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Structure and chords

From: Erik Ronström
Subject: Structure and chords
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 12:09:26 +0000 (GMT)


I'm typesetting a song, and I can't get it right with the repeats,
lyrics and chords. The attached example shows one of the problems: the
melody splits into two staves. If I enable the line \set
Staff.instrument = "Yrsa  " the problem disappears (though I can't
figure out why) but instead the chords are printed below the staff.

I've also had problems with alternate endings, since they tend to print
"on top" of each other, as a "chord", instead of after each other. I've
only used Lilypond for very trivial instrumental tunes before, so I
guess I'm not too good at structuring things up...

Any tips?


\version "2.4.2"

\header {
    title = "Yrsas sorg"
    composer = "P. Jiveskog / J. Larsson"
    tagline = ""

#(set-global-staff-size 19)

slurDashed = {
    \override Slur #'dashed = #3.0
    \override Slur #'dash-period = #0.5
    \override Slur #'dash-fraction = #0.5

melintro = \relative c''' {
    \clef treble
        \time 4/4
        \key a \minor
    c4. \times 2/3 { b16 c b } a8 b c a |
    b4. a16 g fis8 g a e |
        f4. \times 2/3 { e16 f e } d8 e f d |
        e4. \times 2/3 { d16 e d } c8 d e c |
        \acciaccatura { f16[ e] } f4 r4 \acciaccatura { e16[ d] } e4 r4 |
        d4 c d b

melvers = \relative c' {
    \mark \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" }
    a4. b8 c4( a) | g2. r4 |
        a4.( b8) c4 d | e2. r4 |
        f4.( e8) d4 r8 d8 | e4. d8 c4 r4 |
        d4. c8 \times 2/3 { b4 c b8 g } | a2. r4 |
        \bar "||"
        c4. b8 a4 r4 |
        e'4. \times 2/3 { d16( e f) } e4 r4 |
        f4. e16( d) d4 g4~ |
        g8 f e d c2 | d4. c8 b4 g | a2. r4 \bar "||"
    f'4. e8 d4 r | a'4. \times 2/3 { g16( a bes) } a4 r8 a |
    bes4 a g cis | d8( cis) bes a g4 f8 f | e4. f8 g a bes g |
    a2 r4 r8 g8 | a4. g16( f) e8 f e c


textversett = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = "1. "
    Nej, nej, \set ignoreMelismata = ##t lil -- la \unset
    liv, äl -- ska -- de \set ignoreMelismata = ##t liv
    nu är du \unset ignoreMelismata
    \skip 8 trygg i mig. Stan -- na där, jag skyd -- dar dig.
    Jag såg dig, jag såg __ allt, ditt __ \skip 16 liv,
    mitt __ \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 liv, så för -- tviv -- lat kallt.
    Hör min bön, hjälp mig __ nu att först dig fö -- da,
    \set ignoreMelismata = ##t
    äl -- ska \unset ignoreMelismata dig och dö -- da min själ, mitt
hjär -- ta går i -- tu.
    Min själ, mitt hjär -- ta går i -- tu

ackordintro = \chords {
    a1:m e:m/g d:m/f e:m/g f2/a e:m/g a:m e:m

ackordvers = \chords {
    a1:m g/a a2.:m g4 e2:m a:m f/a g/b e:m f:m/aes d:m/g g4 e:m
    a2:sus4 a

\score {
        %\set Staff.instrument = "Yrsa  "
             \context ChordNames \ackordintro
             \context Voice = intro { \tiny \melintro }

                \repeat volta 2 {
         \context ChordNames \ackordvers
                 \context Voice = vers { \melvers }
                 \lyricsto "vers" \new Lyrics \textversett

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