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aborted (core dumped)?

From: Thomas Scharkowski
Subject: aborted (core dumped)?
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 19:43:40 +0200

Hello list,

LilyPond 2.4.6 (Win XP, Cygwin) stops processing the attached, no further error messages.

aborted (core dumped)

Can I do anything about it?

Commenting out 
\once \override Voice.Beam #'positions = #'(-2.0 . -1.8) 
helps, but I can't see what's wrong with this line.


Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
00229648  77E5AC21  (00000000, 10A42898, 00229688, 10023A8A)
00229738  6109753B  (00000000, 00000008, 77E55A65, 00000000)
002297B8  610976D1  (000003EC, 002297D0, 002297E8, 610AF2F1)
00229878  6109784A  (000003EC, 00000006, 002298A8, 61097C08)
00229888  6109760C  (00000006, 00000000, 10799A50, 00002974)
002298A8  61097C08  (108CC8A0, 100A44E0, 00002974, 10830878)
002298C8  6109543F  (108CC8A0, 007459EA, 00229938, 0061150B)
002298D8  00447F61  (1014AA60, 00000000, 007459EA, 100A7000)
00229938  0061150B  (10830878, 00000006, FFFFFFFF, 77E74809)
00229998  10010A54  (10154358, 10830878, 10799A68, 10090000)
00229A08  004B49A4  (00229A30, 10A43CD8, 10A43D90, 00000001)
00229A58  00432E9E  (00229AB0, 00000001, 10A43D90, 1075F3A8)
00229AD8  00433011  (10830598, 00000006, 00229B08, 610B0AB7)
00229B38  10010A54  (1011BD10, 10830598, 10799A88, 10090000)
00229BA8  004B49A4  (00229BD0, 10A43D90, 10A43F50, 00000001)
00229BF8  00432E9E  (00229C50, 00000001, 10A43F50, 1075F660)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)
\version "2.4.0"
% #(set-global-staff-size 18)
#(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column)

rO = \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0
rN = \revert Voice.Rest #'staff-position

\paper { 
        leftmargin=1.5 \cm
        linewidth=18 \cm
        %topmargin=1 \cm
        %bottommargin=2 \cm

\header {
        title = "Le Rossignol"
        composer = "Anonymus"

global = { 
        \time 4/4
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \key e \minor
        \clef "G_8"

Iup =   \relative c'' {
        g16 fis e fis g fis g a b8 a16 g fis e d cis |
        b cis d8 c16 d e8 d16 e fis d b c d b |
        c d e fis g e a g fis e dis cis dis e fis8 |
        e8 d!16 cis b a gis fis r8 \voiceOne  <gis b e>4. |
% 5
        <g! b e>4. fis'8 g4 a |
        b a8 g fis4 g |
        fis8 e e4. e8 dis4 |
        r8 <e b>4. <e b gis>2 | \bar "||"
% 9
        \oneVoice b'16 b b b b8 b a g fis4 |
        \voiceOne dis8 b fis' g fis e dis fis |
Idown = \relative c, {
        s2 e4 e'8 e, |
% 5
        e e' e,4~ e8 e'4 fis8 ~ |
        fis g a,4 b g |
        a g b2 |
        e,4 e' e, e' | \bar "||"
% 9
        <b fis'>2. <b fis'>4 |
Ithree = \relative c' {
% 5
        r2 \once \override Voice.Stem #'length = #6 d4 b |
        \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #-2 r b8 c r b4 a8 |
        r8 gis4 a8 s2 | \bar "||"
% 9


Ifour = \relative c {
        s2 s8 \once \override Voice.NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #0.5 fis4. |
% 9
staffClassicalGuitar = \new Staff  {
        #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * * ) 1 4 'Staff)
        \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-5 . 5)

IIup =  \relative c' {
        <b e>4. fis'8 g4 a |
        b4 a8 g fis4 g |
        fis8 e e4. e8 dis4 |
        r8 <e b>4. gis,8 a16 b cis d e fis |
% 5
        \oneVoice g16 fis e fis g fis g a b8 a16 g fis e d cis |
        b cis d8 c16 d e8 d16 e fis d b c d b |
        c d e fis g e a g fis e dis cis dis e fis8 |
        e8 d!16 cis b a gis fis r8 \voiceOne  <gis b e>4. | \bar "||"
% 9     
        dis'8 b fis' g fis e dis4 |
        \oneVoice b'16 b b b b8 b a g fis8 e16 fis|
        g e fis g a fis g a g8 g,16 a b c d8 |
        c16 d e8 d16 e fis8 g16 fis e fis g8 fis16 g |
        a g fis e dis e fis8 e16 dis e fis g fis g a |
        b b b b b b b b a8 g fis4 |
% 15
        \voiceOne dis8 b fis' g fis e dis fis |
        c b g' fis r8 <g d b>4 b8~ |
        b c a4 b4. a16 g |
        fis8 e e dis <e b gis>2 | \bar "|."
IIdown = \relative c' {
        g8 e e,4~ e8 e'4 fis8~ |
        fis g a,4 b g |
        a g b2 |
        e,4 e' s2 |
% 5
        s2 e,4 e' | \bar "||"
% 9
        <b fis'>2. <b fis'>4 |
% 15    
        <b fis'>2. <b fis'>4 |
        e <d a' d!> g, g' |
        a4. d,8~ d g~ g4 |
        a,4 <b fis' b>4 e,8 e' e,4 |
IIthree = \relative c' {
        r2 \once \override Voice.Stem #'length = #6 d4 b |
        \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #-2 r \once \override 
Voice.Beam #'positions = #'(-2.0 . -1.8) b8 c r b4 a8 |
        r8 gis4 a8 s2 |
% 5
        \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #4 r8 e' fis4 \rO r4 \shiftOn 
e4 |
        \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #-2 r4
IIfour = \relative c {
        s2 s8 \once \override Voice.NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #0.5 fis4. |
staffClassicalGuitarII = \new Staff  {
        #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * * ) 1 4 'Staff)

\score { 
        \midi { \tempo 4 = 72}
        \new StaffGroup
        %\override Score.Beam #'damping = #3
        \override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #2
        %#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * * ) 1 2 'Score)
        \layout  { 
        indent = 0 \cm

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   ---- Datei Information/File information -----------
     Datei/File:  rossi.log
     Datum/Date:  5 Jul 2005, 19:42
     Größe/Size:  5600 bytes.
     Typ/Type:    Unbekannt

Attachment: rossi.log
Description: Binary data

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