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Re: multiple pieces together

From: Aaron Mehl
Subject: Re: multiple pieces together
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 09:49:27 -0700 (PDT)

Well I tried it, maybe not correctly and I got the
following on running lilypond on the file itself:
GNU LilyPond 2.7.3
error: syntax error, unexpected \header

\header{%Slach Nah Ashamos
error: unknown escaped string: `\fontsize'
        title = \markup {
                         \fontsize #4
error: errors found, ignoring music expression
error: failed files:

\version "2.7.2"
\paper{printallheaders = ##t}
#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\score {

\header{%Slach Nah Ashamos
        title = \markup {\fontsize #4 
    \override #'(font-name . "dglsystem error")
      {"נא סלח
נא "}
        poet = ""
        composer = ""
        meter = "Andante"
        %done but needs words

\set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
        \time 4/4
        \key a \minor
        \clef treble
        r2 r4 r8 e' |
        a'4 gis'8 f' e'4. e'8 |
        gis'16 gis'8. ~ gis'4. e'8 gis' b' |
        \time 3/4 a' gis' f'4. e'8 |
        d'2 r8 e' |
        \time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c''4 b'8 a' |
        \time 3/4 gis'2. |
        \time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c'' b' d''16 c'' b' a' |
        gis'4. f'8 e'4. e'8 |
        e' f' gis'4 f'8 e' f' d' |
        e'2. r4 |
        \time 3/4 r a' gis'8 f' |
        gis'4 gis'4. f'8 |
        e'4 e' e' |
        r e' e' |
        r a' gis'8 f' |
        gis'4 gis'4. f'8 |
        e'4 e' d'16 e' f'8 |
        e'2. |
        \time 3/4 r4 a' gis'8 f' |
        gis'4 gis'4. f'8 |
        e'4 e' d'16 e' f'8 |
        e'4 e' e' |
        r a' gis'8 f' |
        gis'4 gis'4. e'8 |
        b'4 b'8 a' gis' f' |
        gis' f' e'2 |
        a'4. gis'8 a' gis' |
        a'4. gis'8 a' gis' |
        a'4. gis'8 b' a' |
        gis'4. f'8 e' f' |
        r4 gis' a' |
        gis'4. f'8 gis' f' |
        r4 e' e' |
        r e' e' |
        e'2. \bar "|."


\addlyrics {
 ס לח נא _  _  א
ש מות ו _ פש
עי ל א מ ך 
לע ון _ _ ב 
ני ך איי - - - - -
-  - -  - - בל י ח
רה זע - מ - ך

        \layout {
        \midi {
                \tempo 4 = 72


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