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elegy source in version 2.4.5

From: Allar Õunapuu
Subject: elegy source in version 2.4.5
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 10:46:16 +0100 (BST)

I got message from one list-subscriber, that Elegy has
been discussed here.
I'm not proffessional guitar-music publisher, but
making my own copies of music for my own use. I like
the clearity of Lilypond. 

In version 2.4.5 the title font is ugliest I have
So I was urged to use something like
'title = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "csss17")
{ \bold {Elegy}}}' instead simple 'title = Elegy'
This is what I call nuisance.
The useful technique used here is also rest-placing
via 'a\rest' for example (puts rest in place of note
Innovative thing for me here was drawing
appregio-lines in front of chord, which includes notes
from separate voices. Therefore I made aditional voice
with hidden notes (\hideNotes). This voice is needed
only for drawing appropriate arpeggio-lines (<e,
e'>\arpeggio at the end for example). This score isn't
too coherent though. I'm using the third or
middle-voice for drawing arpegios when It's possible
(when there are currently no visible middle-voice

Anyway I'm putting the code here to be converted to
newer version. I'm using "Debian testing" version and
consuming just what their apt-system is giving to me.
I just have no time to struglle with probably unstable
new versions.

Here is the code:
\version "2.4.5"
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4")
inputencoding = #"latin1"        
#(set-global-staff-size 18)

nihuta = \once \override NoteColumn  #'force-hshift =
sLigi = \once \override Score.Script #'padding = #0
%fermaatide tõstmiseks nootidest eemale
aMel = {        \override Score.NoteColumn #'force-hshift =
        \time 6/8
        \clef "G_8"
        \key e \minor 
        b'4.~b'8 e'' b'         | ais'4. ais'   | a'4.~ a'8
b'\arpeggio fis'        | a'4. g'       |
        g'4.~ g'8 <e' c''> g'   | fis'4. fis'   | fis'4.~ fis'8 
<a dis' g'>\arpeggio dis'       | fis'4. e'     }

aBass = {
e,4.\mf e,\rest | cis fis       | dis fis       | e,2.  |
c4. e,          | cis2.         | c4. b,        | e,2.
aKesk = {
c'8\rest  \sLigi g-2 b-1  e'-1 e'' b'   | c'\rest cis'
e' c'\rest cis' e'      | c'\rest c' fis' c'\rest <a
dis'!>\arpeggio fis'    | b\rest b e' b\rest b e'       |
b\rest c' e' a4.\rest           | a8\rest ais e'a\rest ais e'   |
a\rest a dis' a4.\rest          | g8\rest g b g\rest g b
aP = { \hideNotes s2.*2 s2 <a b'>4\arpeggio}

bMel = {
\repeat volta 2 {
d''4.~ d''8 c'' b'      | b'4. a'       | c''~ c''8 b' a'       | a'4.
g'      |
b'~ b'8 a' g'           | g'4. fis'     } 
\alternative {{fis'~ fis'8 fis' e'      | e'4. dis'}{fis'4.
a'8\rest b'\fermata dis' \bar "||" \mark \markup {
\musicglyph #"scripts-coda" } fis'4. e'}}
bBass = {
e,2.    | a,    | a4. d | g a,\rest     |
e,2.    |a,4. a,\rest   | cis c | b,2.  | cis4. dis | e,2.      
bKesk ={
b8\rest b f' gis' c'' b'        | b\rest c' e' b\rest c' e'     |
e'\rest ees' fis' b4.\rest      | d'8\rest c' fis' b\rest b
d'      |
b\rest g b e' a' g'             | a\rest c' e' a\rest c' e'     |
a\rest ais e' a\rest \nihuta <a e'>\arpeggio e'|
g\rest fis a g\rest fis a |
a\rest ais e' b\rest a dis'     | a\rest g b a\rest g b

bP = { \hideNotes s2.*6 | s2 <a fis'>4\arpeggio}

cMel = {
\repeat volta 2 {
fis'4.~ fis'8 g' a'     | a'4. g'       |
gis'4.~ gis'8 a' b'     | b'4. a'       }
\alternative {{e''4.~ e''8 d'' c'' | c''4. b'   |
g'4.~ g'8 <e' fis'>\arpeggio \fermata e'| e'4. dis'}{
e''4.~ e''8 fis'' e'' | b'4.~ b'8 c'' b'|
g'4.~ g'8 <dis' g'>\arpeggio dis'| fis'4. e'}}
\bar "||" \mark \markup {\huge DC}
\bar "||" \mark \markup {\musicglyph #"scripts-coda"}
e'4. e'8 g' b'  |<e e' e'' e,>4.<g b e' e>

cBass ={
 a,4. e,        | g a,\rest     | e, e          | a, a,\rest    | 
 a, a,\rest     | e,2.          | c4. cis       | b,2.          |
 a,4. a,\rest   | e,2.          | cis4. b,      | e,2.          |
 e,2.   | e,4. e,       | 

cKesk = {
a8\rest c' d'a4.\rest   | d'8\rest c' fis' c'\rest b d'
b\rest d' e' b4.\rest   | b8\rest c' e'  b8\rest c' e' 
b\rest c' e' a' d'' c'' | b\rest e' g'  b\rest e' g' 
b\rest ais e' b\rest ais e'     | a\rest fis a a\rest fis
a       |

b\rest c' e' a' fis'' e''       | b\rest g b e' c'' b'  |
b\rest ais e' b\rest a dis'     | a\rest g b a\rest g b |
a8\rest g b e' g' b'            | \hideNotes <e, e''>4.\arpeggio
<e, e'>\arpeggio

cP = {\hideNotes s2.*6 | s2 <a fis'>4\arpeggio s2.*3
s2 <a g'>4\arpeggio}

\book {

\header {    
    copyright = \markup { \override #'(font-name .
"pplbc") { \column <{Copyright 1997 Editions Orpheé,
Inc., Columbus OH, 432325}{ International Copyright
Secured, Made in U.S.A., All Rights Reserved}>}  }
    composer = \markup { \override #'(font-name .
"pplbc") {Attributed to Mikhail Vyssotsky}}
    title = \markup { \override #'(font-name .
"csss17") { \bold {Elegy}}}
\score {
    \header {
           piece = \markup { \override #'(font-name .
"csr12") {\column <{Arranged for 6 str guitar}{by
Matanya Ophee}>}}
\new Staff {
 \set Staff.instrument = #"6-str guitar" %kirjutab
esimese rea algusesse sõna "kitarr"
 \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar
 %vertikaalse laotuse muutmine:
 \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-7 . 8)
 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #5
 \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #3
 \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #0.5
 \override Score.VoltaBracket #'minimum-space = #9
%voltajoonte smale tasemele viimiseks
 \override Score.Script #'padding = #1.5 %fermaatide
tõstmiseks nootidest eemale
\override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #0.4
%nootide horisontaalse ruumi laiendamine

     %\tempo 4=120
      << %a-osa
    \new Voice { \voiceOne \aMel } %esimene hääl on
vartega üles
    \new Voice { \voiceTwo \aBass } %teine hääl on
vartega alla
    \new Voice { \voiceFour \aKesk } %neljas hääl on
vartega alla
    \new Voice \aP %arpedzhohäälte joonistamiseks
     \bar ":|:"
     << %b-osa
     \new Voice { \voiceOne \bMel } %esimene hääl on
vartega üles
    \new Voice { \voiceTwo \bBass } %teine hääl on
vartega alla
    \new Voice { \voiceFour \bKesk } %neljas hääl on
vartega alla
    \new Voice \bP %arpedzhohäälte joonistamiseks
     << %c-osa
     \new Voice { \voiceOne \cMel } %esimene hääl on
vartega üles
    \new Voice { \voiceTwo \cBass } %teine hääl on
vartega alla
    \new Voice { \voiceFour \cKesk } %neljas hääl on
vartega alla
    \new Voice \cP %arpedzhohäälte joonistamiseks
    \bar "|."
     %\midi { \tempo 4 . = 60 }
     } %score

It would be interesting to see how much the converting
to 2.6-version alters this score. Constructive critics
are welcome also.

Allar Õunapuu   

Allar Õunapuu

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