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Re: U of Waterloo ftp site not up to date and other issues

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: U of Waterloo ftp site not up to date and other issues
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 16:32:08 -0700

On 16-Aug-05, at 12:19 PM, Peter Teeson wrote:

It appears that the fink packages are way out of date.
Even the unstable devel version is only at 2.5.23
So just what's the point of doing things the fink way if it is so far behind?

There's more up-to-date packages in fink 0.8 (which is only for 10.4, unfortunately). I asked the maintainer to backport it to 0.73 (which is 10.3) since it works just
fine, but I guess it's not done yet.

I also went to the ftp site indicated on the lilypond website namely
Guess what? The current lilypond directory is Nov 2003 and it has nothing in it.

Thanks, this has been fixed.

I've got the unpacked source 2.6.3 tarball (and whatever dependancies I needed) dl'd in my own special directories.

Ok. Look in the fink webcvs to find and lilypond.patch from the 10.4-transitional branch. Then search the lilypond-devel mailist for an email I wrote in the early part
of this year that explains how to compile from scratch on OSX.

- Graham

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