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Volta bracket re-naming with repeatCommands and \markup?

From: Rick Hansen (aka RickH)
Subject: Volta bracket re-naming with repeatCommands and \markup?
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 12:51:18 -0700 (PDT)

This seems like an easy one, but I'm beating a dead horse here...

In the follwing snippet I am renaming the 3rd alternative volta bracket to
say "Final" instead of the default "3".  It is working, except if I try to
imbed the string "Final" inside of a markup expression like this: \markup {
\italic "Final" }.  When I do that, the volta bracket disappears.  How can I
use \markup when renaming a volta bracket?  I would like the word "Final",
for sake of example, to be italicized.  Does the repeatCommands property
accept \markup?  (the snippet below will execute as-is if you have an Arial
font, otherwise change the font name)

%////// snippet begin

\version "2.8.5"

\relative c'' {

% Verse
\repeat volta 3 {
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |

\alternative {

% 1st ending
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |

% 2nd ending
c1 |
c1 |
c1 \bar "||"

% Final ending
\override Staff.VoltaBracket #'font-name = #"Arial"
\set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "Final") end-repeat)
c1 |
c1 |
c1 \bar "||"

% Bridge/Chorus
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |
c1 |
c1  \bar "|."


%////// snippet end

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