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Re: Shortening ties

From: Henrik Frisk
Subject: Re: Shortening ties
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 00:01:46 +0200

Stewart Holmes <address@hidden> wrote:

> Is that of any use? You can use LaissezVibrerTieColumn #'X-extent to
> lengthen them to your desired length.
Unfortunately that will not do it (as someone else pointed out in this
thread X-extent doesn't actually change the size of an object). If you
want detailed control over ties or LaissezVibrer ties you can use
the property #'control-points though it is kind of tricky and not very
well documented. It takes a list of four number pairs as its argument
#'((x . y) (x . y) (x . y) (x . y)

These coordinates are the control points of the tie (beginning, before
middle, after middle, end). With this you can actually draw some pretty
wild shapes!

%%%%%% begin snippet
\version "2.9.11"
\score {
    \new Staff \relative c' {
      c4 \laissezVibrer s4*3 |
      \once \override LaissezVibrerTie #'control-points = #'((0.75 . -4) (2 . 
-4.5) (4 . -4.5) (6 . -4))
      c4 \laissezVibrer s4*3 |
      s4*4 |

\paper {
  ragged-right = ##t
%%%%%% end snippet


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