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Re: Minimum padding after barlines for notes with accidentals?

From: Markus Schneider
Subject: Re: Minimum padding after barlines for notes with accidentals?
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 09:36:54 +0200

Hi all,

string numbers are too close to the preceding grob all the time in natural
spacing anyway (not only at a bar line), so

\layout {
  \context {
    \override StringNumber #'minimum-X-extent = #'(-1.3 . 0.2)

will do the trick.

Also, I changed the function from the previous post to have
"only-at-barline" adjustments added more easily as they arise.
"Arpeggios-at-bar-beginning" are added this way.


%%% Begin snippet
%%% =============
\version "2.9.17"

%%% This could be renamed to "firstNoteSpacer"
%%% ------------------------------------------
accidentalSpacer = #(define-music-function (parser location timesig
duration ) (pair? ly:music?)
    (inexact->exact (round
    (/ (* (ly:moment-main-numerator   (ly:music-length duration))
          (cdr timesig))
       (* (ly:moment-main-denominator (ly:music-length duration))
          (car timesig)))))
        (list #{
              % Add/edit as needed
              \override Staff.AccidentalPlacement #'left-padding     = #0.8
              \override Voice.Arpeggio            #'minimum-X-extent = #'(-1
. 0.2)
                  (list (make-music
                          (ly:make-duration 0 0 (car timesig) (cdr
timesig) ))))))))

%%% Arpeggio example
musicII = {
  \relative c'' {
      \time 4/4
      \repeat unfold 20 <g b d f>\arpeggio

\score { {
  \new Staff <<
    \context Voice = "D" \musicII
    \context Voice = "D" \accidentalSpacer #'(4 . 4) \musicII
  \layout { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##t }

%%% ====================
%%% End Snippet

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