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Re: Multiple sections in ChoirStaff

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Multiple sections in ChoirStaff
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2006 20:31:31 +0100
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.5)


Here comes two versions of the SATB example as a starter. In the first version, all the lyric lines are placed using
alignAboveContext/alignBelowContext. In the second one, I only
use this feature where it is necessary, i.e. when the lyrics is above the corresponding stave.

Apart from placing lyrics, another standard situation where this
feature is extremely useful is for ossia sections.

\version "2.10.0"
global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

sopMusic = \relative c'' {
  c4 c c8[( b)] c4
sopWords = \lyricmode {
  hi hi hi hi

altoMusic = \relative c' {
  e4 f d e
altoWords =\lyricmode {
  ha ha ha ha

tenorMusic = \relative c' {
  g4 a f g
tenorWords = \lyricmode {
  hu hu hu hu

bassMusic = \relative c {
  c4 c g c
bassWords = \lyricmode {
  ho ho ho ho

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
     \new Staff = women <<
        \new Voice =
          "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> }
        \new Voice =
          "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> }
     \new Staff = men <<
        \clef bass
        \new Voice =
          "tenors" { \voiceOne <<\global \tenorMusic >> }
        \new Voice =
          "basses" { \voiceTwo <<\global \bassMusic >> }

     \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=women} \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords
     \new Lyrics \with {alignBelowContext=women} \lyricsto altos \altoWords
     \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=men} \lyricsto tenors \tenorWords
     \new Lyrics \with {alignBelowContext=men} \lyricsto basses \bassWords

  \layout {
     \context {
        % a little smaller so lyrics
        % can be closer to the staff
        \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3)

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
     \new Staff = women <<
        \new Voice =
          "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> }
        \new Voice =
          "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> }

     \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=women} \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto altos \altoWords

     \new Staff = men <<
        \clef bass
        \new Voice =
          "tenors" { \voiceOne <<\global \tenorMusic >> }
        \new Voice =
          "basses" { \voiceTwo <<\global \bassMusic >> }

     \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=men} \lyricsto tenors \tenorWords
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto basses \bassWords

  \layout {
     \context {
        % a little smaller so lyrics
        % can be closer to the staff
        \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3)



Quoting Graham Percival <address@hidden>:

Geoff Horton wrote:
Sorry, it seems that you (or somebody else) will need to recreate the
examples.  If you create an example for SATB, please also write
something for the general case (ie going in a
not-specifically-vocal-music location).

Can you (or someone) suggest a use for this in a non-vocal situation?
I'd rather do something at least marginally useful, but I can't think
of a time it'd be used.

Since I don't really understand what we're talking about, no. :) However, by "write something", I don't necessarily mean an example. Just some text we can toss somewhere in section 9.2 or 9.3 or chapter 11 or wherever.

In other words, there should be no information that can only be found in the templates.

- Graham

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