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Re: Globally removing string number engraver

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Globally removing string number engraver
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 23:12:24 +0100
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.5)

Quoting "Rick Hansen (aka RickH)" <address@hidden>:
Thanks Mats,

Adding this to the \layout block removes the string numbers:

        \context { \Voice
           \remove New_fingering_engraver

"String_number_engraver" is apparently part of TabStaff.

Apparently it was easy for someone to keep string numbers, fretting hand,
and stroke hand numbers all in the same engraver called
"New_fingering_engraver".  But globally removing string numbers also
clobbers the finger numbers.  That's ok for my case but maybe in the future
3 different tranparent properties could be added to the
New_fingering_engraver to let you turn on/off fret hand, stroke hand, and
string numbers independently.

Read in "Common Tweaks" on how to make things invisible. In this specific
case, you could use
\override StringNumber #'transparent = ##t

An alternative, if you don't want it to take any space at all, is to use
\override StringNumber #'stencil = ##f
(this isn't yet in the manual).


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