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Can't get markup to go below slur

From: Carl Youngblood
Subject: Can't get markup to go below slur
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 16:27:20 -0700

I have some notes that are on the upper portion of a piano system, like this:

<< {
        <ees' bes g>8 g,_\<( bes ees g bes \times 3/2 { ees8[ f] } \times 3/2
{ g[ bes]\! }
        \times 3/2 { bes8 aes } \times 3/2 { g f } ees2.
        d2.^\markup{ \italic \bold "tr." } \grace { c16[ d] } ees2.)
} \\ {
        s2. ees4. des
        c4. ces <bes g>2.
        bes2. g8 ees bes g' ees bes
} >>

It's in 12/8 time and the notes are in relative mode.  The first
E-flat is the one just above middle C.  The problem I'm having is that
when I put the slur on this section as shown above, the trill markup
gets placed way out of the way above the slur.  There's plenty of room
for the trill below the slur and above the note.  I've tried using
\raise and \lower to no avail.  Any lilypond gurus out there have any
tips for me?

By the way, it's been a couple of years since I used lilypond last.  I
must say it keeps getting better and better.  The placement is usually
very good without my having to do anything.  I'm also curious to know
if anyone is working on a jazz font for lilypond.  I raised this issue
on the mailing list a few years ago but I'm not sure what's happened
since then.

Carl Youngblood

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