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Lyric-notehead alignment problem

From: Illtud Daniel
Subject: Lyric-notehead alignment problem
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 14:19:50 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061219)

[apologies - I originally sent this to lilypond-bugs, I shouldn't

I'm getting lyrics left-aligned to noteheads  with autobeaming off.
I'm looking for normal alignment (first vowel of syllable).
See the attached .png - it seems to be left-aligning every syllable
except for the last syllable on a beam.

This is a stripped down snippet that compiles and illustrates
the problem I've got:

\version "2.10.13"

\score  {

\new Voice = "alaw"
\relative c''
        \time 2/4
        \key g \minor
        \clef treble


        bes8[ d d c] |
        bes[ d ees d16 d] |

        \bar "||"

\new Lyrics \lyricmode {

        Ar8 ddydd Sul aeth
        Dic yn ben -- noeth16 mewn

} >>

Is this a bug, or my problem? Can I fix it? Am I doing
something totally wrong (I'm a lilypond starter). I
realise that my notation is unusual (my beaming doesn't
indicate melismas), but I'm copying an 18th century
original, and it needs to stay that way.

Also, with languages with a different vowel set (this is
Welsh!) is there a way I can tell lilypond about these
so that the 'first vowel notehead alignment' works properly
with 'aeouiwy' - the Welsh vowel set?


Illtud Daniel                                 address@hidden

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