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formatting tweaks

From: Marguerite Plank
Subject: formatting tweaks
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 16:06:25 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070326)

I'm returning my attention to a tune book project. I have the basic format worked out but I need some tweaks and I'm hoping you good people can help.

Once I get this sample squared away, I can use it for a template and quit bothering you--I hope!

In the following, I would like to ...
  • Move the tune title closer to the staff.
  • Move the chord names closer to the staff.
  • I still have not been able to get my tagline to appear as I want, but it's only a minor mystery--I don't expect to use it on the final tune book pages but instead make an acknowledgment about LilyPond elsewhere in the publication.
I'm certain there are other syntax errors and for the sake of clean code, I'd like to clean them up.

Here's the tune:

\version "2.10.20-1"

\include ""
\paper {
           #(set-paper-size "letter")
           left-margin = 2.5\cm
           line-width = 16.5\cm
           between-system-padding = #0
           between-system-spacing = #0

          title = \left-align  \markup  { \override #'(font-name . "CaslonAntique") \fontsize #3 "Crested Hens"  }
          tagline =  "Double Dagger Press"
          copyright = "2007"

mBreak = { \break }

%  S E T   K E Y   A N D   T I M E

     melody = \relative c' {
        \clef treble
        \key d\major
        \time 3/4
%        \tempo 4 = 120

% S E T   T U N E   B E L O W

       \repeat volta 2 {
             e4. g8\noBeam fs e | b'2 b8 cs | d[ cs] b[ e] d[ cs] | d[ cs] b[ a] g[ fs] 
             e4. g8\noBeam fs e | b'2 b8 cs | d[ cs] b[ a] g[ a]
     \alternative { { b4. g8\noBeam fs d } { b'4. r8 e8 fs  } }  \break

      \repeat volta 2 {
               \bar "||:"  g8[ b,] b[ g'] g b, | c2 e8 fs | g[ fs] a[ g] fs e | ds4 e fs |  
               g8[ b,] b[ g'] g b, | c2 e8 fs | g[ fs] a[ g] fs d |
        \alternative { { e2 e8 fs } { e2.  } }  \bar "|."


% E N D   S E T   T U N E

% B E G I N   S E T   C H O R D S

harmonies =   \chordmode {
          e2.:min \skip2. b2.:min \skip2. \break
          e2.:min \skip2. b2.:min b2.:min b2.:min   \break
          e2.:min c2. \skip2. b2.:7 \break
          e2.:min c2. \skip2. e2.:min e2.:min
     \score {
             \new ChordNames \with { 
                 voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
                 \override VoltaBracket #'minimum-space =#-1
                  \set chordChanges = ##f
                  \override ChordName #'font-size = #-1
                  \override ChordName #'padding = #-5
        \new Staff  \with {   voltaOnThisStaff = ##f  } 
%       \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2 . 2)

\layout {
             indent = 0.0\cm
             \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }
\midi { }


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