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Re: vertical position MultiMeasureRest

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: vertical position MultiMeasureRest
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 13:14:56 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070326)

You can simplify your code significantly, by not using the <<{...} \\ {...} >>
feature when you combine the music \pnUp with the chords \pnChords.
Just replace your line
\new Staff = "pn" { << \pnUp \\ \pnChords >> }
\new Voice = "pn" { << \pnUp \pnChords >> }
This will put both \pnUp and \pnChords as two parallel lines within the
same Voice context, which means that you don't have to fiddle around with
the stem directions or rest positions or anything.
I strongly encourage you to read the section on "Explicitly instantiating voices"
carefully, to get a better understanding on when it is and when it's not
appropriate to use the \\ feature.

The reason that the setting didn't work in your example is probably that
you had nested two <<{...} \\ {...} >> constructs within each other. It's
probably not really well defined what should happen then.


Tao Cumplido wrote:
thanks Mats.
I got it tow work now when I put the \override directly before the 'R1' but it 
doesn't work when it is at the top.
I'll post my code, maybe you can see better what I do wrong.




\version "2.10.23"

        title = "Aqui Se Puede"
        composer = "C. Curet Alonso"

sharpFix = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #3.05

flatFix = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #3.3

makeSlash =
        \override NoteHead #'style = #'slash
        \override Stem #'transparent = ##t

makeNote =
        \revert NoteHead #'style
        \revert Stem #'transparent

rhyOn =
        \revert Stem #'transparent
        \override NoteHead #'style = #'slash

rhyOff = \revert NoteHead #'style

pnUp = \relative c' {
        \key a \minor \stemNeutral
        \override Rest #'staff-position = #0
        \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #0
        fis8 d a' fis d' a fis d | f! d as' f d' as f d | e c g' e c' g e c | 
es c g' es c' g es c |
        d8 bes f' d bes' f d bes | fis' a, d fis gis b, e gis | \bar "||" 
\makeSlash \repeat unfold 7 { b4 } r8
        \rhyOn b8~ | b4. b b4 | \makeSlash b b b b | \rhyOn b-. r8 b~ b4 b | 
\clef bass \makeSlash d,, d d d |
        \rhyOn d2.. \rhyOff << { b'8 } \\ { b,} >> | \stemNeutral <e e,>1 | r8 
e' e, bes'~ bes4 a8 a | R1 |
        \clef treble \bar "||"

pnChords =
        %\override Voice.TextScript #'font-name = #"JazzChords"
        \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #3.5
        \override Voice.TextScript #'font-size = #2
        s1*6 | s1^"Am7" | s2. s8 s8^"Dm7" | s4. s^"G7/f9" s4^"CM" | s1 | s4^"Cm7" s8 
s^"F7/f9" s4 \flatFix s^"BbM" |
        s1 | s1^"E7S" | s1 | s8^"N.C." s4 \flatFix s4.^"Bb13/s11" s4^"Am6/9" | 
s1 |

\new Staff = "pn" { << \pnUp \\ \pnChords >> }


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:17:20 +0200
Von: Mats Bengtsson <address@hidden>
An: address@hidden
CC: address@hidden
Betreff: Re: vertical position MultiMeasureRest

It  certainly works here:

\version "2.10.25"
\once \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #6 R1
<< { R1 } \\ { R1 \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #0 R1 } >>


address@hidden wrote:

how can I set the vertical position of MultiMeasureRests in a polyphonic
'\override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #0' doesn't work, which
is strange because '\override Rest #'staff-position = #0' works just fine.
I use version 2.10.23 on winXP.


        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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