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Re: how to combine standard and gregorian notation

From: Charlotte
Subject: Re: how to combine standard and gregorian notation
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 14:10:55 -0700 (PDT)


I couldn't get your code to compile at all at first until I fixed a couple
of simple problems.

I think you need to remove the spaces within the quotes in your \include
(should be \include "").

Also, you've got upper-case 'S' in your first two \Score marks. This needs
to be lower-case: \score

Once I fixed these, it compiled okay and I could reproduce your image.

I think you're having the same problem I had recently with a similar
document. I eventually figured out from another post on here that somewhere
in is a property called 'packed-spacing' which is needed
for gregorian notation but plays havoc with spacing in standard notation
sections which come after the \include. To fix it, you need to put

\override Timing.SpacingSpanner #'packed-spacing =##f

into your 'standard' notation to turn this off again. 

Incidentally, you don't need to put the \include just before the gregorian
notation. It can go anywhere in the Lily file, but I put any "\include"s at
the top under \version so that I can see instantly which other files a .ly
file is referring to.  

I think the first scale looks fine in your image file because it's before
the \include in your file - but remember if you move the \include to the top
of your Lily file, you'll need to insert the \override into the melody
itself to ensure that it's always applied whenever the standard notation is

If you're doing a project which switches often between gregorian and
standard notation, you may find it easier to put the packed-spacing override
into a \global identifier which you can then just drop into all the standard
notation scores (like the ChoirStaff example in the manual).


Marek Klein-2 wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to combine standard notation with gregorian notation like this:
> section1 standard
> section2 gregorian
> section3 standard...
> I am using \include " " in second section. How should I
> "re-init" before section3 to have back default formating?
> Here you can see, how it looks like now:
> <>
> Here is the source:
> \version "2.10.5"
> % standard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> melody = \relative c' {
>   \clef treble
>   \key c \major
>   \time 4/4
>   a4 b c d
> }
> text = \lyricmode {
>   Aaa Bee Cee Dee
> }
> \Score{
>   <<
>     \new Voice = "one" {
>       \autoBeamOff
>       \melody
>     }
>     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
>   >>
>   \layout { }
>     \header{
>       piece = "A scale in LilyPond"
>     }
> }
> % gregorian %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \include " "
> \layout {
>     \context {
>         \VaticanaStaff
>          \revert StaffSymbol #'color
>          \revert LedgerLineSpanner #'color
>     }
> }
> \Score {
>        <<
>          \new VaticanaVoice = "cantus"
>      {
>            \[ c'\melisma c' \flexa a \]
>            \[ a \flexa \deminutum g\melismaEnd \]
>            f \divisioMinima
>            \[ f\melisma \pes a c' c' \pes d'\melismaEnd \]
>            c' \divisioMinima
>            \[ c'\melisma c' \flexa a \]
>            \[ a \flexa \deminutum g\melismaEnd \] f \divisioMinima
>          }
>          \new Lyrics \lyricsto "cantus" {
>           \set fontSize = #-3
>            San- ctus, San- ctus, San- ctus
>          }
>        >>
>     \header{
>       piece = "Gregorian example"
>     }
> }
> % standard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \score{
>   <<
>     \new Voice = "one" {
>       \autoBeamOff
>       \melody
>     }
>     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
>   >>
>   \layout { }
>     \header{
>       piece = "A scale in LilyPond after gregorian-ini"
>     }
> }
> Marek Klein,
> Slovakia
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