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Re: Your Friendly Neighborhood LSR

From: Rune Zedeler
Subject: Re: Your Friendly Neighborhood LSR
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 16:16:19 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071022)

Mats Bengtsson skrev:

Regarding information on the original author, this would certainly be useful for the LSR maintainer, but there are also good reasons not to publish names
on a public web page, at least not with an email address.

Of course we should not automatically publish real names or email addresses.
In order to add snippets to lsr you need to register yourself. And when doing so you provide a username. What I have in mind is just that this username should be visible. I do not suggest that the contributor is visible in the LSR - just in the database.

Notice that the contributor is already stored today. You can search for snippets by a specific contributor: Go to and enter a name in the author field. E.g. in order to find my snippets, enter "rzedeler" in the author field. The information is already there - it is just not visible.


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