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Re: Problem with multiple melody lines

From: Garrett Fitzgerald
Subject: Re: Problem with multiple melody lines
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 21:01:09 -0500

On Nov 27, 2007 5:29 PM, Garrett Fitzgerald <address@hidden> wrote:
> This is really a question I should not be asking when I don't have the
> actual code in front of me, but is there a problem with
> and triplets? I had the darnedest time getting something to match up
> last night -- the only way I could finally get it to work was to
> extend the duplicated melody for an extra note, but that had made it
> print two D1s next to each other, which isn't exactly pretty.

Here's the section of the score that shows the problem. If I move the
associated voice one note forward, nothing after that prints.

\version "2.10.33"
\score {
    \new Voice = "Verse23" {
      \relative c' {
        \time 2/4 e8 e4 e8 |
        << {\voiceOne a4. a8 | g4. g8} \new Voice = "Verse3" {\voiceTwo \tiny
a2 | \times 2/3 {g4 g4 g4}}>> |
        \time 4/4 d'1 |\mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" } c4(
b) a4. r16\fermata g | g1~ | g2. r4 \bar "||"
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Verse23" \lyricmode {
      emp -- tied him  -- | self, be -- | came
      a | slave! | Je -- sus the | Lord.
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Verse23" \lyricmode {
      cep -- ting his |
      \set associatedVoice = "Verse3"
      death, | death on
      \set associatedVoice = "Verse23"
      a | tree! | Je -- sus the | Lord.

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