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Re: hide staves and bars

From: Neil Thornock
Subject: Re: hide staves and bars
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:07:20 -0700

Something along the lines of:

\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'transparent = ##t

placed just before the empty measures; and

\revert Staff.StaffSymbol #'transparent

placed just before the measures with music.  A bit more tweaking may be necessary to get clefs, etc., just the way you want, but it's doable.

On 11/29/07, stefanozanobini <address@hidden> wrote:
I would like to hide all the bars with only rests in an orchestral scores.
With RemoveEmptyStaffContext I can hide staves with only rests, but if
I've a single bar in a stave, where an instrument plays, Lilypond
shows me the complete stave with lots of rests!
Is there another way?


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Neil Thornock, D.M.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Music
Brigham Young University
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