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Re: suggestion for LM 5.1.3

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: suggestion for LM 5.1.3
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:11:41 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070716)

Andrew Hawryluk wrote:

*** start draft text ***

In large projects, you can combine several reusable variables to make
a single staff of music. For example, if three trumpet lines have the
same dynamics we could create a single variable that holds only the
dynamic indications separated by skips. Likewise, if rehearsal marks
are needed, they will be the same for all instruments.

trumpetdynamics = { s1\f s1*10 s1\mp }
rehearsalmarks = {s8 \mark \default }
\score { <<
    \new Staff { << \firsttrumpetnotes \trumpetdynamics \rehearsalmarks >> }
    \new Staff { << \secondtrumpetnotes \trumpetdynamics \rehearsalmarks >> }
A couple of comments:
- The rehearsal marks are only printed on top of each score line and not
above each separate stave, so there's no reason to include it in more than
 one of the Staff contexts. However, keeping them in a separate variable is
 still an excellent idea, when you typeset instrumental parts corresponding
 to the score.
- One fine detail: You might want to make sure that at least the dynamics
 indications end up not only in the same Staff but also in the same Voice
 context. Otherwise, I seem to recall that the alignment isn't perfect.
 In other words, you should use \new Staff \new Voice << .... >>
- There's no need for the curly braces around the << ... >> (of course it
 doesn't hurt either).


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