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baffling error message

From: Jonathan Kulp
Subject: baffling error message
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:07:53 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080213)

I'm getting an error message that's driving me crazy:

GNU LilyPond 2.11.44
Processing `'
Parsing... error: syntax error, unexpected STRING
        a,4-. g'-. a,-.
gis'-. \ostinatoTwo % m. 11-12 error: syntax error, unexpected STRING
        g4-. e-.
gis-. e-. | \ostinatoFour | % m. 11-12 error: errors found, ignoring music expression

   << % creates new grand staff
error: failed files: ""

This is an orchestral score, and the problems are coming in the 2nd violin and cello parts. So, the \ostinatoTwo and \ostinatoFour are user-defined commands and they seem to work fine--I don't think they're causing the trouble. The problem is the G-sharp in each case, I think. Something is getting triggered by the "gis'-." on line 239 and lin 285. I tried removing the articulations, changing from "gis" to "fis," or "cis", removing the ' and , and it still chokes on this part. BUT when I changed the "gis" to a "g" (natural), the problem goes away. It finishes parsing and creates a nice .pdf for me. When I extract the troublesome bit and run it as a separate file, it works fine also, with the g-sharps instead of naturals. I'll attach the orchestral file and my extraction of the "trouble" spot if anyone wants to take a run at this. I'm baffled. (I need G-sharps!! :-)) The same problem occurs whether I run it on 2.10.33 or 2.11.44 (Linux in both cases). Thanks,

Jonathan Kulp
   composer          = "Jonathan Kulp (1970-)"
   title             = "Merengue for Orchestra"
   % subtitle        = \markup { \fontsize #-2 "subtitle here" }
   % dedication      = ""
   copyright         = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0"

\paper {
  print-page-number = ##t
  print-first-page-number = ##f
  print-first-page-header = ##f
  #(set-paper-size "11x17")
  line-width = \paper-width - 40
  horizontal-shift = 8

\version "2.10.33"

#(set-global-staff-size 16)
\include ""
%%%%%%%%%%%% Some macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
ostinatoOne = \relative c'' { <a e'>8-.[ <a e'>-. r8 <a e'>-.] r8 <a e'>-.[ r8 
<a e'>-.] }
ostinatoTwo = \relative c'' { b4-. a'-. b,-. a'-. }
ostinatoThree = \relative c' { e4-. b'-. e,-. b'-. }
ostinatoFour = \relative c' { a4-. f-. a-. f-. }
ostinatoFive = \relative c { a8-. a4-. a-. a-. a8-. }
%%%%%%%%%%%% Keys'n'stuff %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
global = {
        \time 4/4
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    
%%% key\ [the key would go here]
% ############ Woodwinds ############

% ------ Piccolo ------ %

piccoloNotes = \relative c''' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Piccolo"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Picc."
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piccolo"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
} % end of piccolo notes

% ------ Flutes ------ %

fluteNotes = \relative c''' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Flute 1, 2"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Fl. 1,2"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
} % end of flute notes

% ------ Oboes ------ % 

oboeNotes = \relative c'' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Oboe 1,2"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Ob. 1,2"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
} % end of oboe notes

% ------ Clarinets ------ %
clarinetNotes = \relative c' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Clarinet 1,2"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Cl. 1,2"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
} % end of clarinet notes

% ------ Bass Clarinet ------ %
bassClarinetNotes = \relative c {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Bass Clarinet"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "B. clar."
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "clarinet"
         \clef "treble_8"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
} % end of bass clarinet notes

% ------ Bassoons ------ %
bassoonNotes = \relative c {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Bassoon 1,2"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Bssn. 1,2"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "bassoon"
        \clef bass
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
} % end of bassoon notes

% ############ Brass ############### %

% ------ Horns 1 & 2 ------ %
hornOneNotes = \relative c' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Horn 1,2"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Hn. 1,2"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "french horn"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    
} % end of horns 1&2 notes

% ------ Horns 3 & 4 ------ %
hornTwoNotes = \relative c' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Horn 3,4"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Hn. 3,4"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "french horn"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    
} % end of horns 3&4 notes

% ------ Trumpet 1 ------ %
trumpetOneNotes = \relative c'' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Trumpet 1"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Trpt. 1"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    
        R1*4                            % tr1&2 m. 1-4
        c4\f c c e  |  c b a e  | a c e d  | b2. r4     |       % tr1 m. 5-8
        b4 b b c    |  b d g f  | e d c b  | a2. r4     |       % tr1 m. 9-12
} % end of trumpet 1 notes

% ------ Trumpet 2 & 3 ------ %
trumpetTwoNotes = \relative c'' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Trumpet 2,3"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Trpt. 2,3"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    
        R1*4                                                    % tr2&3 m. 1-4
        c4\f c c e  |  c b a e  | a c e d  | b2. r4     |       % tr2&3 m. 5-8
        b4 b b c    |  b d g f  | e d c b  | a2. r4     |       % tr2&3 m. 9-12
} % end of trumpet 2 & 3 notes

tromboneOneNotes = \relative c' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Trombone 1"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Trbn. 1"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trombone"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    
        \clef bass
        R1*4                                                    % tro m. 1-4
        r8 b4-.\f a-. g-. f8    | e8 e4-. d-. c-. c8    |       % tro m. 5-6
        c8 c4-. e-. g-. f8      | d8 d4-. e-. f-. g8    |       % tro m. 7-8
        r8 a4-. g-. f-. e8      | d8 d4-. g-. b-. a8    |       % tro m. 9-10
        g8 a4-. g-. f8 e d      | c2. r4                |       % tro m. 11-12  
} % end of trombone 1 notes

tromboneTwoNotes = \relative c' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Trombone 2,3"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Trbn. 2,3"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trombone"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    
        \clef bass
        r8 b4-.\f a-. g-. f8    | e8 e4-. d-. c-. c8    |       % tro2 m. 5-6
        c8 c4-. e-. g-. f8      | d8 d4-. e-. f-. g8    |       % tro2 m. 7-8
        r8 a4-. g-. f-. e8      | d8 d4-. g-. b-. a8    |       % tro2 m. 9-10
        g8 a4-. g-. f8 e d      | c2. r4                |       % tro2 m. 11-12 
} % end of trombone 2 notes

tubaNotes = \relative c {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tuba"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Tuba"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "tuba"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    
        \clef bass
} % end of tuba notes

% ############ Percussion ########### %

timpaniNotes = \relative c {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Timpani"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Timp."
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "timpani"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    
        \clef bass
} % end of timpani notes

% ############ Strings ############# %
% ------ Violin 1 ------
vlnOne = \relative c'' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Violin 1"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Vl. 1"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "string ensemble 1"
        \tempo 4=160
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    
        <a e'>8-.[\f <a e'>-. r8 <a e'>-.] r8 <a e'>-.[ r8 <a e'>-.]    % m. 1
        \ostinatoOne \ostinatoOne \ostinatoOne                          % mm. 
        \ostinatoOne \ostinatoOne \ostinatoOne                          % mm. 
        d8-. d4-. d-. d-. d8-.  | d8-. d4-. d-. d-. d8-. |              % mm. 
        d8-. d4-. d-. d-. d8-.  | d8-. d4-. d-. d-. d8-. | \ostinatoOne | % mm. 
} % end of violin 1 notes
violinOne = {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin 1"
        \clef treble
% ------ Violin 2 ------
vlnTwo = \relative c'' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Violin 2"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Vl. 2"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "string ensemble 1"
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()

        b4-.\f a'-. b,-. a'-. \ostinatoTwo \ostinatoTwo \ostinatoTwo            
% m. 1-4
        \ostinatoTwo \ostinatoTwo \ostinatoTwo  | a,4-. g'-. a,-. g'-.          
% m. 5-8
        a,4-. g'-. a,-. g'-. | a,4-. g'-. a,-. g'-.                             
% m. 9-10

% ##########################THE TROUBLE IS HERE##############################
        a,4-. g'-. a,-. gis'-.  \ostinatoTwo                                    
% m. 11-12
} % end of violin 2 notes
violinTwo = {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin 2"
        \clef treble

% ------ Viola ------
vla = \relative c' {
        \clef alto
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Viola"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Vla."
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "string ensemble 1"
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()

        e4-.\f b'-. e,-. b'-. \ostinatoThree \ostinatoThree \ostinatoThree      
% m. 1-4
        \ostinatoThree \ostinatoThree \ostinatoThree    | d,4-. a'-. d,-. a'-.  
% m. 5-8
        d,4-. a'-. d,-. a'-.    | d,4-. a'-. d,-. a'-.  |                       
% m. 9-10
        d,4-. a'-. d,-. a'-.     \ostinatoThree
} % end of viola notes
viola = {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Viola"
        \clef alto
%%%%% ------ Cello ------
vc = \relative c {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Cello"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Vc."
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "string ensemble 1"
        \clef bass
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
        a4-.\f f-. a-. f-. \ostinatoFour \ostinatoFour \ostinatoFour    % m. 1-4
        \ostinatoFour \ostinatoFour \ostinatoFour | g'4-. e-. g-. e-. | % m. 5-8
        g4-. e-. g-. e-. | g4-. e-. g-. e-. |                           % m. 
% ##########################AND HERE##############################
        g4-. e-. gis-. e-. | \ostinatoFour      |                       % m. 
} % end of cello notes
cello = {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"cello"
        \clef bass
%%%%% ------ Bass ------
cb = \relative c {
        \clef "bass_8"
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Bass"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Bass"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "string ensemble 1"
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()    

        a8-.\f a4-. a-. a-. a8-. \ostinatoFive \ostinatoFive \ostinatoFive      
% m. 1-4
        \ostinatoFive \ostinatoFive \ostinatoFive                               
% m. 5-7
        b8-. b4-. b-. b-. b8-. | b8-. b4-. b-. b-. b8-. |                       
% m. 8-9
        b8-. b4-. b-. b-. b8-. | b8-. b4-. b-. b-. b8-. | c8-. c4-. c-. c-. 
c8-. | % m. 10-12
} % end of cb notes
bass = {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Contrabass"
        \clef "bass_8"

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% It All Goes Together Here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\score {

   << % creates new grand staff
        \new StaffGroup = "woodwinds" <<
        \new Staff = "piccolo" \piccoloNotes
        \new Staff = "flute 1 & 2" \fluteNotes
        \new Staff = "oboe 1 & 2" \oboeNotes
        \new Staff = "clarinet 1 & 2" \clarinetNotes
        \new Staff = "bass clarinet" \bassClarinetNotes
        \new Staff = "bassoons" \bassoonNotes
        >> % end of woodwinds staffgroup

        \new StaffGroup = "brass" <<
        \new Staff = "horn 1 & 2" \hornOneNotes
        \new Staff = "horn 3 & 4" \hornTwoNotes
        \new Staff = "trumpet 1" \trumpetOneNotes
        \new Staff = "trumpet 2 & 3" \trumpetTwoNotes
        \new Staff = "trombone 1" \tromboneOneNotes
        \new Staff = "trombone 2 & 3" \tromboneTwoNotes
        \new Staff = "tuba" \tubaNotes
        >> % end of brass staffgroup

        \new Staff = "timpani" \timpaniNotes

        \new StaffGroup = "strings" <<
        \new Staff = "violinOne" \vlnOne
        \new Staff = "violinTwo" \vlnTwo
        \new Staff = "viola" \vla
        \new Staff = "cello" \vc
        \new Staff = "bass" \cb
        >> % end of "strings" staffgroup
   >> % end of grand staff
   \layout {
        indent = 2\cm
        \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
        \context {
                \override BarNumber #'padding = #3
                \override RehearsalMark #'padding = #2
                        skipBars = ##t
        } % context \Score \overrides end
   } % layout end
   \midi { }

} % score end

\version "2.11.44"

ostinatoTwo = \relative c'' { b4-. a'-. b,-. a'-. }

\relative c'' {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Violin 2"
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Vl. 2"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "string ensemble 1"
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()

        b4-.\f a'-. b,-. a'-. \ostinatoTwo \ostinatoTwo \ostinatoTwo            
% m. 1-4
        \ostinatoTwo \ostinatoTwo \ostinatoTwo  | a,4-. g'-. a,-. g'-.          
% m. 5-8
        a,4-. g'-. a,-. g'-. | a,4-. g'-. a,-. g'-.                             
% m. 9-10
        a,4-. g'-. a,-. gis'-.  \ostinatoTwo                                    
% m. 11-12

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