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Re: terrible question for a distinctive chord name system

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: terrible question for a distinctive chord name system
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 14:37:08 +0200 (CEST)

>   THank you for your advice. Here's my first exercise for suspension
>   notes. I don't know whether the result looks satisfying. Could you
>   all help me?

Attached an improved version, at least optically.  Since I'm not
acquainted with the details of those special chord notation, I can
only guess.  Two remarks:

  . Your code produced stems into the wrong direction.

  . You need the \textLengthOn command to avoid overlappings.

There's certainly room for improvements, but I don't have time for
more fiddling.

\version "2.11.46"

#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

#(set-global-staff-size 12)

\header {
  tagline = ##f
  title = \markup { \fontsize #2 "Ex. 36-551" }

  IupperI = \relative c'' {
    \clef treble
    \key fis \minor
    \time 4/4
    \override MetronomeMark #'stencil = ##f
    \tempo 2=60
    cis2\mark \markup { \bold \fontsize #2 "1" } fis ~ |
    fis4 eis fis cis ~ |
    cis b2 a4 |
    gis2 b ~ |
% 5
    b4 a b d ~ |
    d cis2 e4 ~ |
    e d cis2 ~ |
    cis4 cis2 b4 ~ |
    b a2 gis4 |
% 10
    fis1 \bar "||" \break

  IupperII = \relative c' {
    fis1 |
    gis2 fis |
    fis1 |
    eis2 gis |
% 5
    fis1 ~ |
    fis ~ |
    fis |
    e2 d ~ |
    d b |
% 10
    a1 \bar "||"

  IlowerI = \relative c' {
    \clef bass
    \key fis \minor
    \time 4/4
    a2 cis ~ |
    cis1 |
    d2 dis |
    cis1 |
% 5
    cis2 b |
    cis1 |
    b2 cis |
    fis,1 ~ |
    fis2 eis |
% 10
    fis1 \bar "||"

  IlowerII = \relative c, {
    fis2 a |
    b a |
    b bis |
    cis eis |
% 5
    fis d4 b |
    a2 ais |
    b a |
    ais b |
    bis cis |
% 10
    fis,1 \bar "||"

  Dmaj = \markup { \bold "D" }
  DmajTwo = \markup { \concat { \bold { "D" \sub "2" } } }
  DmajSixArrow = \markup { \concat { \bold { "D" \sub "6" } }
                           " " \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t }
  DmajSixFiveArrow = \markup { \concat { \bold { "D" \sub \column { "6" "5" } } 
                               " " \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t }
  DmajSeven = \markup { \concat { \bold { "D" \sub "7" } } }
  DDVIIseven = \markup { \concat { \bold { "DDVII" \sub { "7" \raise #1 "-" } } 
} }
  Smin = \markup { \bold "s" }
  SminSix = \markup { \concat { \bold { "s" \sub "6" } } } 
  SixFive = \markup { \bold { \column { "6" "5" } } }
  SixFiveArrow = \markup { \concat { \bold { \column { "6" "5" } } }
                           " " \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t }
  Tmin = \markup { \bold "t" }
  TminSix = \markup { \concat { \bold { "t" \sub "6" } } }

  Ichords = {
    s2_\Tmin s_\TminSix |
    s_\DmajTwo s_\TminSix |
    s_\Smin s_\DDVIIseven |
    s_\Dmaj s_\SixFive |
% 5
    s2_\Tmin s4_\SminSix s4_\Smin |
    s2_\TminSix s4_\DmajSixArrow s4_\SixFiveArrow |
    s2_\Smin s2_\TminSix |
    s2_\DmajSixFiveArrow s2_\Smin |
    s2_\DDVIIseven s2_\DmajSeven |
% 10
    s1_\Tmin \bar "||"

  \score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "choir aahs"
      \new Staff <<
        \new Voice { \voiceOne \IupperI }
        \new Voice { \voiceTwo \IupperII } >>
      \new Staff <<
         \new Voice { \voiceOne \IlowerI }
         \new Voice { \voiceTwo \IlowerII } >>
      \new ChordSymbols = "chords" \Ichords
    \layout {
      \context {
        \type "Engraver_group"
        \name ChordSymbols
        \alias Voice
        \consists "Output_property_engraver"
        \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
        \consists "Script_engraver"
        \consists "Text_engraver"
        \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
        \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"
        \consists "Axis_group_engraver"
      \context {
        \accepts ChordSymbols

      ragged-right = ##f

    \midi { }

% eof

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