\version "2.11.45" % a formatter function, which is simply a wrapper around an existing % tuplet formatter function. It takes the value returned by the given % function and appends a note of given length. #(define-public ((tuplet-number::append-note-wrapper function note) grob) (let* ((txt (function grob))) (markup txt #:fontsize -5 #:note note UP) ) ) { % Tuplet text of the form: 2:3 quarternote; % "2:3" is produced by tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text, we only append the quarter note \override TupletNumber #'text = #(tuplet-number::append-note-wrapper tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text "4") \times 2/3 {c'4 c' c'} \times 2/3 {c' c' c'} % Tuplet text of the form: 12:15 eighthnote, 2:3 eighthnote, etc. \override TupletNumber #'text = #(tuplet-number::append-note-wrapper tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text "8") \times 2/3 {c'8 c' c'} \times 4/6 {c'4:8 c'4:8 c'4:8} \times 2/3 {c'8 c'8 c'8} \times 2/3 {c'4 c' c'} \times 8/12 {c':16 c':16 c':16} % Tuplet text of the form: 2 quarternote % We can use the same wrapper function, only that we now use % calc-denominator-text, not the full calc-faction-text \override TupletNumber #'text = #(tuplet-number::append-note-wrapper tuplet-number::calc-denominator-text "8") \times 2/3 {c'8 c' c'} \times 4/6 {c'4:8 c'4:8 c'4:8} \times 2/3 {c'8 c'8 c'8} \times 2/3 {c'4 c' c'} \times 80/120 {c' c' c'} }