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Re: Why do so many newcomers post to bug-lilypond?

From: Bailey James E.
Subject: Re: Why do so many newcomers post to bug-lilypond?
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 15:27:28 +0100

Am 03.11.2008 um 15:12 schrieb Graham Percival:

On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 12:52:25AM +0100, Francisco Vila wrote:

Which sometimes makes me think that the page is sooo bad that no one
dares to comment it. Does anyone think it could be remotely useful?

Mao.  Why am I always the one to speak the nasty, sensible facts?

- The problem is not explaining how to use lilypond.  We have the
 tutorial for that.  If the tutorial isn't clear, improve the

- 95% of the people who post "where r teh buttonz" will never even
 try to use lilypond once they realize that they can't do things
 with a mouse, so don't bother trying to explain it to them.

- the remaining 5% can use lilypond perfectly well after reading
 the docs.

- new users neither know, nor care, about the tuxfamily wiki.
 However, it's still useful to have a webpage that you can point
 people to.  But they won't discover this page on their own.

What's the real solution to this?
- when lilypond is run for the first time on windows or OSX, it
 pops up a box that says something like "You must read the docs".
 Or maybe slightly longer, like "To use LilyPond, you must write
 text files which define the music.  To learn how to do this,
 read the docs."  Maybe with a clickable URL in there.
 No, wait; that would require an internet connection.  Dump a
 copy of the relevant tutorial pages (HTML and/or pdf) with the

Of course, this requires screwing around with the windows GUI
code, which 1) isn't in the normal git source, 2) is a pain, and
3) requires people to care about windows.

My overall point is this: the solution to "people aren't reading
the documentation" is NOT to add more documentation.

Except the problem wasn't "people aren't reading the documentation", the problem is "new users post to the wrong list".

On a completely unrelated note, I disagree completely with you that the solution to "people aren't reading the documentation in NOT to add more documentation" what is clearly understandable on a first read by you, is not clearly understandable on a first read by everyone. I think that having documentation that explains everything is very good. I also think having the documentation explained using different words and examples is also good. I have the impression that you have a personal vendetta against redundancy, maybe your job was made redundant, I don't know, but I think redundancy, especially when it comes to explanation, as long as the explanations are all accurate, can only be beneficial. Perhaps you would rather that someone who will take the time to occasionally add something to a wiki-like tutorial devote that time to another existing project. It's nice to want things. I'd like to be able to upload a snippet to the LSR. I've not reached enlightenment in my zen buddhism, but I'm learning more and more that wanting things is a really easy to be disappointed.

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