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Re: slurs - once attached to stem ends, once to note heads

From: Mark Polesky
Subject: Re: slurs - once attached to stem ends, once to note heads
Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 10:33:08 -0700 (PDT)

Werner wrote:
> But one slur is attached to the stem ends and I
> want it to be attached to the note heads too. How
> to obtain this?


Technically, the slur over the eighth notes is not
"attached to the stem heads", it is rather outside
of the eighth-note beam which, if I'm not mistaken,
is where it belongs.

However, if you really want to bring the slur to the
noteheads, you could override the control-points
property of Slur. This is not an ideal solution just
because setting control-points is usually an awkward
task (lots of trial-and-error), and you'd have to do
it individually for each different combination of
notes, but it's better than nothing, I suppose.

It would seem to me that there ought to be an easier
way to get what you want, so if anyone knows, let us

- Mark

\version "2.12.2"

\include ""

Tenor = {
\key g
\time 4/4
\set fontSize = #-1
\partial 4*1
r4 | r d r d | d8 d4 b8~ b2 r4 a r a( b) r r
fis4( | g) g a a g f e es d es d 
\once \override Slur #'control-points =
  #'((1.45 . 3.75) (1.75 . 3.8) (2.25 . 3.65) (2.45 . 3.25))
d'8( b)~ | b4 c b2 |
r2 d8 d4. | r2 c8 c4. a4 b c d~ d2 b4 a
g8 b4. r4 g~ g2 c g c4 a b2.
\bar "|."
\score {
    \new ChoirStaff
% % %
        \context Staff = ZweiteZeile <<
            \context Voice = ZweiteZeileErsteStimme {
                \relative c' { \clef F \Tenor }
%             \context Voice = ZweiteZeileZweiteStimme {
%                 \voiceTwo
%                 \relative c { \clef F \Bass }
%                 }
    \set Score.skipBars = ##t
\layout {
    indent = #0
    \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }


Attachment: notehead-slur.png
Description: PNG image

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