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Re: formatting question

From: Carl Glick
Subject: Re: formatting question
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 23:41:31 -0500

Anyone at all?

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Carl Glick <address@hidden> wrote:
Ok, I was toying around with these suggestions, and I have a few problems. When I make the staves smaller, the only way to get the number of systems I want is to make them too small. When I use
\paper {
between-system-padding = #0.1
between-system-space = #0.1
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
ragged-bottom = ##f
from 4.6, the systems are all pushed down to the bottom on the first page. And when I use
\paper {
system-count = #3
from the same page, the first page looks fine, but the rest of the music all goes onto one system, which goes off the rest of the page. I tried explicitly stating the \book context, but that seemed to make things worse. Does anyone have any suggestions?
On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 3:02 AM, Alexander Kobel <address@hidden> wrote:
Carl Glick wrote:
How would I go about making systems smaller so more can fit on the page?

Hi, Carl.

There's not an one and only solution, but you might want to look into section 4 of the Notation Reference:

Especially section 4.1.2, ยง Vertical dimensions, section 4.4.2 and section 4.6 might be of interest for you.
If you just want to make everything smaller (i. e., decrease the overall notation size), look into section 4.2.1.

Hope that helps,

Carl Glick
1011 Maple Ave.
Evanston, IL 60202

Carl Glick
1011 Maple Ave.
Evanston, IL 60202

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