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Markup Causes Beaming Problem

From: Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Markup Causes Beaming Problem
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 22:56:27 -0700 (PDT)

     I think Lilypond is being a weirdo.

The second beam looks messed up to me (winxp sp3), but when I remove 
the _"x" markup, the \p, or the slur in the treble clef, it clears up.

Is this bug #430?

Also, what's the best way to make that slur in the bass clef look nice? 
It seems to be colliding with the accent mark and with the bottom of one 
of the natural signs.  Any insight would be appreciated.


Code Below:

\version "2.12.2"

rhStaff = { \change Staff = "RH" }
lhStaff =  { \change Staff = "LH" }

sb = { 
        \once \set subdivideBeams = ##t
        \once \set beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)

\relative c''' {
        \time 3/4
        \new Staff = "RH" {
                                r32 \sb cis[(\p d, ais' gis c,_"x" a ees]
                                \stemDown b'[ fis cis \lhStaff \clef bass 
\stemUp e, <bes a'> \rhStaff \stemDown <c'' d>-.) r \lhStaff \stemUp <cis,, 
dis>]->( \stemNeutral <c,! d!>8..)\sustainOn \rhStaff <fis'' ees' f! d' 
fis>32-. |
        \new Staff = "LH" { s2. }


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