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Stave spacing

From: Helge Kruse
Subject: Stave spacing
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 18:29:12 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)


I notate a piece with four staves. Two dynamic lines are inserted
between staff 1+2 and 3+4 like show in While the layout looks reasonable on most pages I have a lot of empty spave between the systems on page three and four. (

I tried to increase the minimum-Y-extent of VerticalAxisGroup in the layout block. But since the dynamic lines are added to the staff goup similar to a staff, this increases the distance at the other pages too.

What I need is something like an invisible dynamics in the appropriate measures. But I would like to remove the huge spaces between the systems in a more elegant way. Do you have any hint?

I fiddled around with between-system-space and between-system-padding in the \page section the layout does not get more space between the staves. Lilyponds only prints:
warning: Can't fit systems on page -- ignoring between-system-padding
when I use larger values.


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