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Re: Lyric with tie over repeat seems to be messing things up

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: Lyric with tie over repeat seems to be messing things up
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2010 23:30:43 +0100


Have a look at Repeats with alternative endings in

This is for 2.13 but I believe it may apply to 2.12
as well.  Towards the end of that section it discusses
exactly your problem, I believe.  It may help you to
figure it out.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Rowe" <address@hidden>
To: "Lilypond-User Mailing List" <address@hidden>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 10:34 PM
Subject: Lyric with tie over repeat seems to be messing things up

I've tried to reduce this as much as I can, but if I change almost
anything the effect goes away.

My problem is, in the score below the tied note on the lyric "x" seems
to be forcing a spurious repeat bar. If I comment out the lyrics
everything is fine. If I \skip to the end of the bar "x" ties into
*and* get rid of the tie at the end of that bar then everything is
fine, but when I put that tie back in I get *two* spurious bars.

What am I doing wrong here, and how do I fix it?

Thanks. Markup follows.

\version "2.12.3"

soprano = \relative c'
 \clef treble
 \key bes \major
 \time 4/4
 \partial 8 c8 |
 \repeat volta 2
   c4 c8 c~ c4 c8 c~ |
   %c2. r8 c |
   c4 c8 c~ c4 c8 c~ |
   c4. c8 c c16 c~ c c c8~ |
   c4~ c8. c16 c8 c16 c~ c c c8~ |
   c2. c8 c~ |
 c2 r8 c c8. c16~ |
 c2 r8 c c8. c16~ |

one = \lyricmode {
 \repeat volta 2
   \repeat volta 2
     A b c d e f
     g h i j k l
     m n p p q r
     s t u v w x

\score {
   \new Staff <<
   \new Voice = "one" { \soprano }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" { \one }
 \layout { }

Tim Rowe

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